最珍贵的财富!The most Valuable Treasure!


<h3>  这个暑假做得最有意义的一件事儿,就是进行这次培训,刚开始的时候看到这次培训很恐惧自己达不到这样的要求,而且担心儿子没人管,但是最终,我还是决定提升一下自己。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00"> The most meaningful thing in my summer vacation is TIP Training,At first I was afraid I couldn't raech the requests And I was also worried about no one can take care of my son.But at last, I still decided to go to TIP to improve myself.</font></h3><h3> 结果参加培训后,我发现我做了一个非常明智的选择,感谢领导给我这次培训的机会,这次培训是我觉得是最有意义的一次培训,是有史以来培训中,让我收获最多的一次培训, 也是对我印象最深的一次培训。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00"> After I took part in TIP,I found I did the right choice.Thank you for my leader giving me this chance. Thank you for all the facilitators.Thank you for the Red Cross of Shanghai. It was the most meaningful training that I 've ever had.And it also gave me the deepest experience.</font></h3><h3> 这次培训是TIP全封闭英语培训。他的培训课程和培训时间相当严格,下面请看以下图:</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00"> This training is the Total Invention Program.It has the strictest training time.You can see them in the picture below:。</font></h3> <h3>全封闭14天,意味着我们不能离开学校,每天要说英语,吃饭,走路,玩儿,游戏,任何时候都要说英语。我们改变了我们的接收信号塔,由汉语转变成英语接受信号😜</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Total immersion fourteen days,It means we can't leave school, and we should speak English everywhere.(Eat, walk,play,anytime)We changed our receive information tower.It's changed from Chinese to English.</font></h3> <h3>我的名片,走到哪都要带着它,这是一个身份的象征,在最后的时候你会发现,凡是戴着蓝绳的牌子的同学,他都和别的同学不一样,因为他说的是英语。在众多的培训人员中,感觉是种另类的存在😎</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">This is my name tag, I should wear it wherever I go, this is a symbol of TIP.And you can find if the person wears the name tag, and they're different from other students, because they speak English.It seems they 're unusual among the people.</font></h3> <h3>在培训中,最怕的就是那张Citation,得到他可不是什么好事儿,那就意味着,你必须接受惩罚,如果得到三张到四张以上,那么你培训就不能合格了。我们开玩笑似的说:他就是法师的镇妖符,有了它,所有的一切,所有的妖魔鬼怪立刻消失,回归正常😝</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">At our training,The most scary thing is to get that citation.It's not a good thing.If you got the citation that means you must be punished.If you got three or four Citations.You have to leave the TIP training And you can't get the Certificate.We often make fun of it.I said:"The Citation is like a mark that can stop ghosts or other spirits."It 's fun.If there is a citation in our Classroom, everyone must follow the rules"</font></h3> <h3>培训过程中无理由不能请假,唯一的理由就是病假,而且还需要证明,是件非常麻烦的事情。还有就是作业每天必须完成,两张的一个日记Journal,还有20个生单词。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">During the training, we can't ask for leave without any reason, the only reason is there's something wrong with your body.And you must give the prove,It will cause a lot of trouble.And other things We should do every day that is we should do our journal homework for two pages And write down twenty new words.</font></h3> <h3>看看,这是我的作业本,我有两本作业本已经都写完了,还有两个单词本。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Look, this is my homework, I have two Exercise books.I have already run out of them,And I also have two exercise books to write words.</font></h3> <h3>第一天的作业,呜哩哇啦胡乱写了好多,除了这个,我还用课间十分钟休息时间,写了一些随笔,爱说爱写,感觉自己跟换了一个人似的😜<span style="line-height: 1.8;">&nbsp;</span></h3><h3><span style="line-height: 1.8;"><font color="#ff8a00">The first homework.I wrote too much at random.Besides this,I also Write some pieces in my break time.Now I like talking I like writing, I felt like I changed to another person.</font></span></h3> <h3>看看我们的课程从早上7点到晚上9点,一直满满的都是课,因为吃饭对我们来说也是课吃饭的时候你要说要说英语啊😝只有中午短短的一个小时不到的时间进行休息,其实实行起来呢,每天早上我都是六点起床的,睡觉都是11点以后的事了💪认真的我们每天早起上早读,满满的人站了一院子,叽里呱啦的说着英语,领导在总结会上说:刚开始他看见还以为是电大的考生,因为从没有见过哪个培训有这么架势😂</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Our lessons are from seven o'clock AM to nine o'clock PM,And they are full of classes.Because the eating time and the walking time are also classes, because we should speak English only.We had a short nap at noon.Sometimes we were very tired.And when we did this, every morning I got up at six o'clock.And I didn't go to sleep until eleven o'clock or later.Every morning we read words or talked in the yard.We all spoke English here.Our leader said in our Graduation ceremony:"He mistakes us to College students.Because we were all hard-working,It's hard to see this situation in Education-Center."We may surprised him.😃</font></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>第一天的开班仪式,我们来了四位外教指导老师,有三位来自美国,一位来自新加坡,以后的课全都由他们上了。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">This is our first day of opening ceremony.There are four facilitators for us,Three are from America, One is from Singapore. Later, they all teach us.</font></h3> <h3>第一节课就是和外教交谈,那是比较紧张时刻,一共有120多个人,我们抽签进行,顺序呢,在老师手上,因为我觉得,还是早去比较好,免得等待过程中太紧张,于是我就拿了个前面的号-10号。先进行了一段自我介绍,然后我读了一篇文章,在说说文章大意,那篇文章对我来说太难了,好多单词我都不认识,真是尴尬。😓</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">The first class was talking with the facilitators.It was the nervous time.There are120. People taking this TIP training,We must take turns to meet the facilitators.I got the early number, number ten.Because I didn't want to wait in nervous.When I met the facilitator Craig,I Introduced myself, and read an article, the article is too difficult for me there were many words that I don't know, oh, it was so shamed.😓</font></h3> <h3>我们的课分为大课和小课,大课是在大教室上的统一由Cindy老师给我们讲解。她是一位很和蔼可亲的老师。你能猜出她多大了吗?&nbsp;</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Our class divided into big and small.The big class was in the big meeting room on the first floor.And teacher Cindy would teach us.She is very kind teacher,And she also looks young, can you guess how old she is?</font></h3> <h3>TIP学习英语的ABC宝典:</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">English only, we need to speak English only, no Chinese.</font></h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">1.Attacking limitations;</font></h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">2.B<span style="line-height: 1.8;">uild your confidence;</span></font></h3><h3><span style="line-height: 1.8;"><font color="#ff8a00">3.Commit yourself.</font></span></h3> <h3>吃饭的时候也不忘和Cindy老师拍个照,相遇很美😍</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">When we eat, we took photos with Cindy.It's nice to meet each other.</font></h3> <h3>你看看我们的各种饭,基本上都是早饭和晚饭,因为午饭我忘了拍啦。不过饭都挺丰盛的。我发现,我们的外国老师都喜欢吃中国的饭,而且他们用筷子用的挺好的哦😊</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Look at all kinds of our meals,They were breakfast and dinner, because I forgot to take photos for lunch.But the meals were all delicious .Craig said:" when he is in American, he alwaysmisses Chinese food, and when he is in China, he won't miss American food ."Wow Amazing thing .And I found our foreign teachers like Chinese food very much, and they used chopsticks very well.</font></h3> <h3>我们班的老师Kim,我们在B班,Class Brilliant, not class B 😘爱你Kim</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Our teacher Kim .Our class B, class Brilliant, not class B, I love you Kim.</font></h3> <h3>看Kim介绍她的大家庭,她家人好多哦,特别爆料一下,她还比我小一岁😝</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Look, Kim is introduce her big family.There are too many family members. And I'll tell you a secret, she is one year younger than me.😝</font></h3> <h3>第一节小课,我们分为ABC三个班,Kim是我们B班的班主任,小组座位,每人制作好自己的Name card.你能找到我的吗?每天我们进入教室都会发现自己的Name card 又换地方了,所以我们就可以没有换同桌和小组搭档,That's amazing!😃</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">The first Small class.We divided into ABC three classes.Kim is our Class B's headmaster.We sat in groups.Everyone made her name card.Can you find my name card?Every day, Kim changed our name card into different seat.So every day we met different new friends,That's amazing.</font></h3> <h3>学习单词方法形式多样,每天我们会以不同的方式挑选自己整理的单词然后制作成Word Wall,看看这就是我们的制作成果。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">We learned in different learning ways.Every day we used different ways to choose our world, and made it into Word Wall.Look These are our results.</font></h3> <h3>用图片和英语解释一个单词的含义,并不是一件容易的事。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Use the picture and English to explain a word's meaning, it was not an easy thing.</font></h3> <h3>看这是我们组制作的,这张照片是Kim照的,我都不知道她什么时候拍的,可能是我太注重讲解我的单词了吧</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Look, this was made by our group, this photo was taken by Kim.I really don't know when she took it.Maybe I paid more attention to explain the new words to others.</font></h3> <h3>我可爱美美的Kim老师 ,休息时间我们合个影😘</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">My cute beautiful Facilitator,Kim.We took the photo in break time.</font></h3> <h3>她上课讲的可清楚了,她总是用最慢的语速在大脑中搜索最简单的词汇帮我们理解句子,真是一位好老师!</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">She speaks clearly in class, she always speaks slowly, and searched the easiest words for us in her mind.It helped us to understand better.She is a really good teacher.</font></h3> <h3>最喜欢她这张照片了,她似乎很喜欢吃饺子,这几天见过几次她吃饺子了,美滋滋的😍&nbsp;</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">I like this photo of her.It seems that she likes dumplings very much, these days I often see her eat dumplings, It's delicious.😍</font></h3> <h3>吃饭说英语,每天吃饭时间50分钟,像我们在学校练的这种快节奏吃饭法,吃饭就是10几分钟的事,可是到这里,你吃完也不能走,你得说话,说英语!以前想着大不了我吃饭不说话,但现在吃饭不说话还不行</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">😃Speak English When eating, every day.We should eat for 50 minutes.We always eat quickly in our school.And we used to eat quickly.We could eat in ten minutes.But in&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 1.8;">T</span><span style="line-height: 1.8;">I</span><span style="line-height: 1.8;">P </span></font><span style="line-height: 1.8;"><font color="#ff8a00">we should talk to each other, if we finish eating we can't go out, we should speak English here.Before I came to TIP I think when eating, I could say nothing.But now I can say more in English.And sometimes, when the eating time out, I couldn't finish eating, because I talked too much.😝</font></span></h3> <h3>而且能和外教老师流利的交谈,哪怕语法有误,don't,didn't,doesn't随便用,甚至he,she都乱用,但我们都能理解对方,那种感觉太好了,不怕说错,就怕不说😄没有人笑话你,她们都很友好👯.</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Now I can talk with the foreign teachers freely.Maybe sometimes we made some mistakes just like, don't, didn't doesn't, she or he .I all used it in the wrong way.But no one laughed at me, they were all very kind and friendly.👯</font></h3> <h3>最喜欢的是游戏课,每天下午两点都有一节体育课,有时在室外,有时在室内,我们学习了很多可以在教学中应用的游戏,一起玩,这是室外的篮球🏀游戏课</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">My favorite classe is PE , every afternoon we had an PE class .sometimes inside and sometimes outdoor, we learned some games about how to used in our teaching, we play together.And this is a basketball game outdoor.🏃</font></h3> <h3>这是一种叫Uno的牌,Kim用英语介绍了很长时间的游戏规则,我们总算是会玩了</h3><h3>👏</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">This is a card called UNO.Kim spent a long time to explain the rules for us.And now we can play it.👏</font></h3> <h3>这就是Uno牌,我儿子都很喜欢玩呢</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">This is the UNO card, my son's favorite.</font></h3> <h3>当然还有每天的Fairy tale童话故事课,也是我最喜欢的,听完故事,有时我们做人物评价,有时排序,填词等,总之每次都有一个不同的玩法😋</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">And every day we had fairy tale class, it's my favorite, when we listened the story, sometimes we had to explain the person and sometimes we made the sentences in order, and sometimes filled in the blacks, in total, every time it was a different way to play.😋</font></h3> <h3>还有Cindy 每天早上的Morning Motivational time.这时我们会学到很多人生哲理,我们探讨,我们一起学习,我最喜欢的那个'l think l can'最庆幸自己的成长也在于自己敢在120号人面前回答老师的问题,真是难以想象,我的手是怎么举起来的😜</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">And also every morning, Cindy gave us Morning Motivational.At this time could learn some Philosophies.We talked and studied together.My favorite MOMO is that" I think I can."My lucky grow is about, I can answer the teacher's question In front of 120 people.It's difficult to imagine how My hands raise up?👏</font></h3> <h3>这是我们的发音课,Cindy 会给我们说我们各种的问题,最佩服她的是:她总是把握时间那么好,早上8:00上课,她会提前20分钟做好准备,同样用PPT上课,而她却把每节课结束的时间把握的一分不差,所以这次培训是纪律最好的一次,没有人迟到,就更不用说早退了</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">This is our pronunciation class.Cindy can teach us all the pronunciation that we always make mistakes.The best thing I admire her is that she Can control the time very well.Every morning the class began at eight o'clock, she may come 20 minutes earlier to prepare for everything.When she had classes .She often beg</font><span style="line-height: 1.8;"><font color="#ff8a00">anand over just in the right time.So during this training, no one was late for class.Said nothing of leave earlier than other</font></span></h3> <h3>小组合作,Build bridge.用有限的材料,各自制作一座承受力大的桥,记住用英语沟通,小组合作交流,想出最好的办法</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Group work, build bridge with imited materials.Every group made a bridge to hold the heaviest thing.Remember to use English to communicate with each other.And, come up with the best idea.👐</font></h3> <h3>合作与交流很重要,想法很重要,动手能力也很重要😄</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Cooperation and communication are both very important. Ideas and Make it with your hands are also important.</font></h3> <h3>我们的小组课程展示,这是我们展示的时间,每个人都用TIP<span style="line-height: 1.8;">的方式想出最</span><span style="line-height: 1.8;">活跃的课堂,最有创意的课堂。</span></h3><h3><span style="line-height: 1.8;"><font color="#ff8a00">Our class show time.Each group had to prepare for a class in TIP ways.They should Come up with the most creative and the most active class.😘</font></span></h3> <h3>我们组的大课堂展示,关于十二生肖的动物。我们用<span style="line-height: 1.8;">20分钟完成了绘画,课程设计的整个过程。每个人都奋力的思考。最有趣的是Leo.当我们做好这个图画,并想好怎么展示的时候,老师还没有叫我们,Leo</span><span style="line-height: 1.8;">已经拿着我们的宣传报,说了句:"Let's go !"就冲了上去,感觉迫不及待的要展示我们的成果。😄😄😄</span></h3><h3><span style="line-height: 1.8;"><font color="#ff8a00">Our big class show, our group's topic is aboutanimals of twelve years.We spent twenty minutes to drawing and Design the whole class.Everyone kept thinking.The most Interesting thing is about Leo.When we finish this class.The teacher didn't ask us to show the class.But Leo hold our poster and run to the front with " let's go." in his mouth😃It feels like he can't wait to show the class.</font></span></h3><h3><span style="line-height: 1.8;"></span></h3> <h3>Dora<span style="line-height: 1.8;">正在展示她</span><span style="line-height: 1.8;">们人体部位课,她</span><span style="line-height: 1.8;">们组也非常棒!</span></h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00"><span style="line-height: 1.8;"></span><span style="line-height: 1.8;">D</span><span style="line-height: 1.8;">ora showed about our body, Their group was great.</span></font></h3> <h3>Maria's group about the zoo.</h3> <h3><font color="#ff8a00">Sunny's group,She is good at dancing and acting👍</font></h3> <h3>我们组的课程展示-关于职业。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Our group's show time, about jobs.</font></h3> <h3>这是我们组的苹果树,它上面满是工作的单词。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">It's our groups apple tree.They're full of jobs.</font></h3> 我们的巧巧手画,好好看吗?<div><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Our beautiful drawing, are they good-looking?</font></h3><h3><br></h3></div> <h3><font color="#010101">这是Smile做的一个小蝴蝶结,她确实是一个非常能干的女人,她把这个送给了我,她太好了,现在我们已经成为朋友了,她还会用纸做一些玫瑰花👄</font></h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">This is made by Smile, she is A handywoman.She sent this to me, she is so kind.We have already been good friends.She can also made roses by paper.💋</font></h3> <h3>这是我们帅气幽默的导师Craig.他是c班的班主任。每次上课我要经过他们班,再到我们班上,他每天都站在门口。他用击掌的方式迎接每一个人,也包括我。</h3><h3><span style="line-height: 1.8;"><font color="#ff8a00">T</font></span><span style="line-height: 1.8;"><font color="#ff8a00">his is our humorous and handsome Facilitator Craig.He is the headmaster of class C.Every morning, I would pass their class and then go to our class .He stood at the door and said :give me five!" To welcome everyone.Including me.Sometimes he said:" l'm so sad you're not in my class."I thought That all because of him, because he is my first facilitator😝</font></span></h3> <h3>这张照片大家可能很疑惑,为什么我儿子会在这张照片里呢?因为我培训时间太长了,儿子说特别想我,那天刚好儿子没有课,所以他就来看我。午饭的时候我带她一起吃饭,然后问候了我们所有的导师。还要感谢Kim 她允许我带他上了一节体育课,因此他学会打UNO牌。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Do you have any doubts about this picture?Why my son is in the picture?Because they had too long time training, my son missed me too much, and just that day, he had no classes, so he came to visit me, at lunchtime, we ate lunch together and I introduced all my facilitators to him.He can said simple sentences with them,Thanks for Kim.She was so kind and allowed my son to have PE class with us.So he learned how to play UNO card IN English.Great change.😎</font></h3> <h3>这是A班的导师Albert.他可是大学教授。而且自己出版了书。他看起来像中国人,因为他的祖父是福建人。他现在在新加坡。下午有空的时候,我们会一起打篮球,虽然他不太会打,但我们仍然玩得很开心。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00"> This is&nbsp;A</font><span style="line-height: 1.8;"><font color="#ff8a00">lbert, the Facilitator of Class A. He is a professor of A University.He had already come out his own book.He looks like Chinese, because his grandfather lived in Fujian.Now he lives in Singapore.We played basketball in our spare time in the afternoon.Though he is not good at basketball, but we all played happily together.👌</font></span></h3> <h3>  周末我们还开了一个晚会,我们需要展示我们的个人才能,我是我们班的文艺委员。所以班级的这次晚会由我组织,我们每个班只有20分钟的表演时间。时间太短,都不够展示,好多人都有才艺想去展示,在我们的精心排练与筛选下,终于定了七个节目,而且压缩了每个节目的时间。最后终于将节目时间控制在20分钟内,因为我知道美国人的时间观念是非常强的。这是我第一次挑战用英语主持节目。</h3><h3><span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0); line-height: 1.8;">O</span><span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0); line-height: 1.8;">n weekends we had a party.That is a talent show.I'm the party planner of our class.So this party was organized by me.We had only twenty minutes to show each class.The time is too short and everyone want to show their talent, it's difficult to choose.But after we talking and choosing.We decided seven shows should be acted on the talent show.And the time was just twenty minutes.I think the Americans care about time most.So we need the right time.We cut each show's time .It's my first time to be a host in English.It would be fun.!👆👏</span></h3> <h3>我们组的节目,古典舞-凉凉。我们花了两个晚上去排练这个节目。很难选择一个英语的音乐,大多数时候我们都是跳汉语的或者其他的语言的舞蹈。我们表演的好吗?</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Our show, about classical dance.We Spent two evenings to practice it.It's difficult to choose a music that is only English. Because we also danced with Chinese music or other languages.Is our talent show beautiful?</font></h3> <h3>Leo and Yolanda "My love"</h3> <h3>西游记片段,猪八戒背媳妇。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">The famous Chinese classic."Journey to the west,"--Monkey King and Pig Guy.It's about pig guy wanted to marry with his A little girl in Gao LaoZhuang.And little girl refused him.The Monkey King helped them.</font></h3> <h3>Kim 自己写的歌,歌词很美,曲子也很棒,唱的就更好听了。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Kim wrote the song by herself. It has the beautiful lyrics and the great melody,She sang very well.I love it very much.💋</font></h3> <h3>Albert 会弹尤他里里,弹唱都不错,也经常写歌,他的歌声很有磁性。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Albert can play the utalele,he sang and played it well,he often writes his own songs. His voice is very nice.</font></h3> <h3>这是我们老师的节目,他们跳了一支舞,一种牛仔舞.Cindy穿着牛仔裤,太帅了!💃 It was facilitators show, they danced, the Rumble.Cindy is so cool in jeans.💃<br></h3> <h3>这是我认识的一位美女Sunny.她把我们都当作她的背景拍了照。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">This is a beautiful girl named Sunny.She took the photo, we were all her background.😇</font></h3> <h3>We danced together.We were all very happy.</h3> <h3>我们各种姿势的照片,这都是我们需要完成的项目,小组得分点,我们小组得分不高,但我想那不是我们拍照的目的,我们的目的是玩的开心😊</h3><h3>We took photos in all kinds of postures, this is our program.we divided into small groups,our group got low score.But I think that is not our purpose, our purpose is playing happily😊</h3> <h3>Jump Higher.</h3> <h3>为了毕业,我们每个人要准备十分钟的英语演讲,我写了四页的演讲稿,我的演讲是关于我的舞蹈老师-娜娜。害怕不够十分钟,但是在讲的时候,随意插了很多东西,讲出了自己的真实感受,十分钟却没有讲完。让我说15分钟英语,都是可以的😂</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">In order to graduate, each of us need to prepare for a ten- minute English speech.I wrote four pages of my speech, my speech is about my dance teacher-A kind and beautiful lady.I'm afraid it's not long enough.But when I gave the speech, I forgot something so I talked freely ,And talk about my true feeling.when the time out, I haven't finish my speech, I think I can talk fifteen minutes or longer.😂</font></h3> <h3>每个人都有一个很棒的演讲,他们都克服了恐惧和战胜了他们自己。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">Everyone has a great speech, they all Overcame the fear and themselves.👍</font></h3> <h3>临别的晚上,我们一起聚了餐。非常美好的一个晚上,让我终身难忘。</h3><h3><font color="#ed2308">We had a big dinner at night before we leave.That's wonderful night, I can't forget it after ever.</font></h3> <h3>这些都是我的小伙伴们,和我最亲爱的老师。</h3><h3><font color="#ed2308">These are my friends and lovely teachers.</font></h3> <h3>我们几个玩的很铁的姐妹和Kim最后的留影。仔细看看Kim的耳环,你看它漂亮吗?</h3><h3><font color="#ed2308">This is the last photo that we took with my best sisters and Kim.Have a look at Kim's earings.</font></h3><h3><font color="#ed2308">Are they beautiful?👑</font></h3> <h3>We're all together.</h3> <h3>这是一张我们TIP所有成员的大照片。我们的大家庭,我们终于毕业了。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">The big photo with all of the TIP members.Our big family.The graduated at last.👏😃😃😃</font></h3> <h3>我会想念我们所有的TIP成员。让我们一直保持联系,永远是最好的大家庭。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">I will miss all the TIP members and the days we learned together.Let's keep in touch all the time, we are big family forever.😘</font></h3>