<h3>📖阅读:</h3><h3>🎬视频:Peppa pig </h3><h3>🇨🇳:早读晚诵+成语一则</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>科普单元,继续Honney bee</h3><h3>On the way to the campsite last weekend,Daddy and Mummy found a bee farm,we were very excited.In spite of the danger,we got off the car and took a picture for you,we found something mysterious about the bee hive,do you want to listen to the story of bees?(想科普又编不出什么好玩的故事,不过这张照片确实是爸爸顶着满头蜜蜂下车拍的。😂后边讲了The queen bee,drone and worker bee的分工和寿命等主题课内容)</h3> <h3>The hive of cultured bees are different from those of wild bees,it looks like this.The bee farmer build up some boxes like these,put some plates in them to help the honey bees store the nacters.In every hive there is a bigest bee,she is too big to fly.She is the queen.She's work just give birth to the baby bees.And queen will never came out of the bee hive.We named the male bees Drones,they have no stings at the buttom.Theirs work just mate with the queen bee.They will die immediately after mating.All the worker bees are females,they work and work,they are very industrious.They are the babies of the queen.They make food for thier mummy,the queen bee.</h3> <h3>When we drove home yesterday.We saw a big bee stopped on the of our car.We observed it and found it had no sting.That bee must be a drone.</h3> <h3><font color="#010101">Max drew the tiny sting for the worker bee.Let's do the honeybee boogie together.In order to tell our friends where the tastiest pollen is,we dance for each other.I use my dance move to tell a story.</font></h3> <h3>I spy</h3> <h3>Review:The nocturnal animals</h3> <h3>Hang the clothes.<br></h3>