

<h3><p>北妈&nbsp; </p><p>2018.7.18</p><p>(资料来源于网络)</p></h3> <h3><p>假期到了,爸爸妈妈经常会带小朋友一起坐火车出游!</p><p>那么坐火车过程中的英文用于都是如何说的呢?</p><p>今天我们一起来学习下吧!</p></h3> <h3><p>I.&nbsp;Getting on the Train 上火车</p><p>1. We have to get to the station one hour earlier because there are a lot of check-in procedures.</p><p>咱们得提前1个小时到车站,因为进站有很多程序。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p></h3> <h3>2. We need to pick up our tickets first. There is a long line at the counter, let's use the kiosk [ki'ɑsk].<br>咱们得先取票。柜台的队太长了,咱们用自助机吧。<br></h3> <h3>3. Here are our tickets. The next step is the security check.<br>拿到票了。下一步是安检。<br></h3> <h3>4. We all passed security. Let's go find the waiting room.<br>咱们都通过安检了。现在去找候车室。<br></h3> <h3><p>5. Here it is. The train is about to come. We can line up and wait to get our tickets checked. Our gate is Gate 6.<br>在这儿。火车快来了。咱们可以排队等待检票了。我们在六号检票口。</p><p><br></p><p>6. The gate is opening. Let's go through the gate.<br>检票口开了,咱们进去吧。<br><br></p></h3> <h3><p>7. Here is the platform. The train has already arrived.<br>这是站台。火车已经到了。</p><p><br></p><p>8. We are in Coach 10, Seat 39A. Let's find our car first.<br>咱们在10车厢,39A。先找到咱们的车厢。<br>注:只有地址是先写街道,再写区、城市、国家,其他都和中文一样,是从小到大的顺序<br><br></p></h3> <h3><p>9. Here we are. Let's get on the train.<br>到了,咱们上车吧。</p><p><br>10. Our seat is 39A which is a seat.<br>我们的座位是39A,是靠窗的。<br>注:中间的座位用middle seat,靠过道的座位用aisle [ail] seat。</p><p><br></p><p>11. Let me put our luggage on the luggage rack. Please sit wherever and be careful I don't hit you while I put the luggage up.<br>我来把行李箱放在行李架上。你先随便找个座位坐下,小心我把行李拿起来的时候碰到你。<br><br></p></h3> <h3>12. We only bought one ticket. Let me put you on my lap and hold you.<br>我们只买了一张票。你坐在我腿上,我抱着你。<br></h3> <h3><p>II. Travelling on a Short-Distance Train 坐短途火车</p><p><br></p><p>13. The train is leaving the station. Off we go! <br>火车出站了,出发咯!</p><p><br>14. The train we are taking this time is a high speed train which is faster than the D train we took last time.<br>这次咱们坐的是高铁,比上次坐的动车要快。</p><p><br></p><p>注:High speed train,高速铁路(简称高铁)指的是最高时速在250km/h以上的铁路,是有国际统一标准的。而动车组是我国特有概念,编号开头字母是D,在说英语时可以用D train指代它。<br></p></h3> <h3>15. The tray on the seat in front of you is yours, and you can put food on it. Just twist the knob and it will come down.<br>前面座位上的小桌板是你的,你可以把吃的放在上面 。转一下这个钮,它就下来了。<br></h3> <h3>16. Make sure you put the shells and peels in the paper bag in the seat in front of you.<br>一定要把瓜子皮和果皮放在前面座椅里的纸袋里。<br></h3> <h3>17. A train is a public place so we should keep our voices low so we don't disturb others.<br>火车是公共场所,说话要小声点,不要打扰到别人。<br></h3> <h3><p>18. Kicking the seat in front of you is wrong. It is very rude.<br>踢前面的座椅是不对的。这样很没有礼貌。</p><p><br></p><p>19. Do you want to take a nap? Alright, let me lower the back of your seat so that you can sleep more comfortably.<br>你想睡会儿觉么?好,我把你的座椅靠背调低点儿,这样你能睡得舒服一些。</p><p><br></p><p>20. The conductor is coming to check tickets. Do you remember where I put our tickets?<br>列车员来查票了。你记得我把票放哪了么?</p><p><br></p><p>21. Also, we were not able to buy the full fare and we have to pay the difference.<br>而且咱们没买到全程票,得补下票</p><p><br></p><p>22. We still need to save our ticket because we have to use it when we leave the station.<br>我们还是得把票留好,出站的时候还得用呢。<br></p></h3> <h3><p>III. Travelling on a Long-Distance Train 坐长途火车<br></p></h3> <h3><p>23. Here are our beds. Daddy takes the top bunk, I take the middle bunk, and you take the bottom bunk. <br>这儿是咱们的床。爸爸睡上铺,我睡中铺,你睡下铺。</p><p><br></p><p>注:卧铺叫做berth。软卧、硬卧是中国特有概念,可以将三层的硬卧翻译成triple berth,将两层的软卧翻译成double berth<br></p></h3> <h3><p>24. Let me give you a tour of the train. We are in the sleeper car, the dinning car is in the middle, and the coach is at the front. <br>我带你逛逛火车。咱们在卧铺车厢,中间是餐车,最前面是硬座车厢。</p><p><br></p><p>注:Coach即我们的硬座车厢,一等座可以翻译为first class,二等座可以翻译为second class,如:Let's buy a coach class ticket. 咱们买一张硬座票。Our seat is in first class. 咱们的座是一等座。</p></h3> <h3>25. The train only provides boiling water. We can't fill the cup all the way because the water might splash and burn you when the train shakes. <br>车上只提供开水。咱们不能接满了,因为车摇晃的时候,水会洒出来烫到你的.</h3> <h3>26. The train is going through a tunnel and it's all dark. The train is out of the tunnel and it's light again. <br>火车正在穿过隧道,所以全黑了。火车从隧道里出来了,又亮了。</h3> <h3>IV. Getting off the Train 下火车<br>28. The train is arriving at the station. Let's grab our luggage from the overhead rack and prepare to get off.<br>火车到站了。我们把行李从行李架上拿下来,准备下车。</h3> <h3><p>29.Beijing,here we come! Where is the exit? Let's find the sign. </p><p>北京,我们来啦!出站口在哪?咱们找找指示牌。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p></h3> <h3>30. Where are our tickets again? We need to put them into the turnstile ['tə:nstail] and get them back to check out.<br>咱们的票在哪儿呢?我们得把票塞进自动检票机里,再拿出来,才能出站。</h3>