<h1>余小雪,重庆人,中国内地影视剧演员,曾出演电视剧《末路》、《三七撞上二十一》、《内幕》,电影《红玫瑰风衣》、 《别说你爱我》等……</h1> <h1>美籍华人黄天中校长为余小雪留言!</h1> <h1>余小雪3岁留影!</h1> <h1>小雪和她的父母</h1> <h3>余小雪的生活照</h3> <h1> 余小雪感悟这篇心得的英文翻译部分、是在一位朋友的协助下完成的,不一定非常的完美,但是可以大致完整地表达小雪这篇文字的意思。把它翻译成英文奉献给大家,没有别的目的,主要考虑到黄天中校长是美籍华人,他组织小雪参加的一些活动的朋友里,有一部分是来自世界各地的外籍人士。把这篇文章用不同的文字表达出来,有助于不同种族、不同语言背景的人士更方便地分享和理解小雪的点滴学习心得。小雪说,非常感谢天中校长从2003年开始多次邀请她参加生涯体验教育的活动!以下链接往下看第四张图片里,从左至右第四位身披浅色围巾的就是小雪;感恩天中校长让小雪获得一次又一次的机会!</h1> <h3>余小雪的生活照</h3> <h1>The English translation of Yu Xiaoxue’s sentimental was completed with the help of a friend. It is not necessarily perfect, but it can express the meaning of Xiaoxue’s text in a normal way. Translating it into English for everyone has no other purpose, mainly considering that the principal Huang Tianzhong is a Chinese American. Some of the friends who organized some of the activities we participated in are foreigners from all over the world. Expressing this article in different words helps people of different ethnicities and different language backgrounds to more easily share and understand Xiao Xue's little learning experience.Thanks to President Tianzhong for inviting Xiaoxue to participate in career experience educatio activities since 2003!</h1> <h3>余小雪的生活照</h3> <h3>生活照</h3> <h1><font color="#010101">【慈悲教育、殊途同归】—— 余小雪的感悟:“Compassion education makes all road lead to the goal”—— Yu Xiaoxue's sentiment: 在这里,小雪借中普陀寺芳振法师升座庆典和2017第一届温州医科大学国际护理高峰论坛善缘,联想到黄天中校长生涯体验教育,不由得内心充满随喜、缘聚、欢喜、殊胜、法喜、感恩、圆满的情愫。Here, I took this good association with some great events —— joining the rising ceremony of Fangzhen Master from the Putuo Temple, and the first International Care Summit Forum 2017 of Wenzhou Medical University, Xiaoxue couldn’t stop associating Principal Huang Tianzhong’ thoughs of the career experience education. Now I could not help but be full of heart with joy, faith, gratitude and satisfaction. 黄天中校长问过小雪《心经》里的彼岸是什么?Principal Huang Tianzhong once asked Xiaoxue: “What is the other side of opposite bank in in the Buddhist ures?” 小雪通过学习体验就个人受用来说:当认识到人的五蕴组合的生命现象是空的、不是真实可乐的事实之后,不但不、不是真实可乐的事实之后,不但不消极否定人生的生命价值,还要超越空有、以及对“苦乐”的贪爱执着,更积极地运用人的生命现象来修福修慧。</font></h1> <h3>小雪的封面照</h3> <h1>Through the learning, Xiaoxue got some personal experience and said:When we realize that the phenomenon of human life and the combination of the five aggregates is empty and not a fact of real happiness, we do not have to negate the life value negatively, but try our best to persist in "bitterness and happiness" and more actively to go closer to wisdom by</h1> <h3>生活照</h3> <h1>以下一组照片为余小雪的剧组照……</h1> <h1> 英文//余小雪提供</h1><h3></h3><h1> 照片//余小雪提供</h1><h3></h3><h1> 编辑//冰莼沐子</h1><h3></h3> <h3>作者简介:冰莼沐子(小九妹),孩子王,平时酷爱文字,擅长纪实性散文,善于从生活中寻找灵感来抒发情感!热爱记录生活点滴!</h3>