<h3>郝斌武,男,1951年出生,国家一级舞美设计师(正高二级岗位),山西省舞台美术学会会长、中国舞台美术学会常务理事、山西省美术家协会会员、山西省书法家协会会员、山西戏剧职业学院专业带头人、山西财经大学兼职教授。自1974年以来一直从事舞美设计工作近半个世纪,为山西戏剧、歌舞、电影、电视剧、大型文艺晚会等舞美设计500余场。其作品曾多次荣获“国家舞台艺术精品工程”、国家“五个一工程”、国家“文华奖”、“文化奖”、山西省“杏花奖”、山西省“五个一工程”、中国舞美学会奖等多种类奖项。多年来出任山西省各类艺术赛事活动评委和山西省艺术高职评委。其中国书法和绘画艺术多年来笔耕不辍,追寻中国古典,开创时代新境。曾多次举办个人书画展,引领时尚。<br>Profile of Mr. Hao BinwuMr. Hao Binwu was born in 1951. He is the National Class-A stage art designer (second class of senior title professional post). He is the president of Shanxi institute of stage design, standing director of China institute of stage design, member of Shanxi artists association, member of Shanxi calligraphers association, professional leader of Shanxi drama vocational college, Adjunct professor of Shanxi university of finance and economics.He has been engaged in stage art design for nearly half a century since 1974. He has designed more than 500 stage art performances for Shanxi dramas, songs and dances, films, TV dramas and large literature and art </h3>