<h3>June,is sunny days; June,is also about graduation🎓.Well,the 8th gratuation ceremony of Zhong Hangcheng Kid castle is beginning.</h3> <h3>Yes,when we were talked about graduation that we thought it’s far away from us. but now we are share about our feelings</h3> <h3>为了给宝贝一个最美的舞台,老师们在下班后仍旧拧成一股绳,把会场布置美美哒,只希望给宝贝们留下最美的回忆💓</h3> <h3>辛勤培育我们的园长妈妈为小小毕业生颁发毕业证书。宝贝们祝贺你们即将成为一名小学生,请相信你是最棒的!👏</h3> <h3>老师上台说出对孩子们深深的祝福与期望,小小毕业生的上台献花、扑进老师温暖的怀抱。她是多么的眷念和不舍这份师生情啊!</h3> <h3>Now it's time for our children to entertain you with their acting skills.Please enjoy the performance from baby class.</h3> <h3>幼班宝贝舞蹈《baby shark》.</h3> <h3>速叠杯是一项当下潮流的竞技运动,培养团队手眼协调合作精神。我们的教师团队就是这样一支有着团队协作能力的队伍The dance《Happy Cups》 from our lovely teacher.</h3> <h3>毕业生表演《Semaphore》旗语飞扬。</h3> <h3>Do you want to know what children are doing in kid castle every day?快来看看中B班的情景剧《幼儿园变奏曲》吧。</h3> <h3>Today's sun is smiling with red cheeks and our children areenergetic and passionate.</h3><h3>中A班舞蹈《My oh my》</h3> <h3>The left hands represents direction, It has not bow to difficult.The right handsome present hope.And it doesn't worry about setbacks.</h3><h3>小A班舞蹈《left and right hands》</h3> <h3>The CAC roller skating dance《 let it go.》园本特色轮滑舞蹈《Let it go》</h3> <h3>Look,I'm a delicious friendly and lucky gummy bear.</h3><h3>小B班舞蹈《I am a gummy bear》</h3> <h3>Childhood has been quietly growing up.毕业班表演《童年在长大》</h3> <h3>每个人一生许多感谢,感谢父母的养育;感谢老师的教诲;感谢朋友的陪伴……看看我们大B班毕业生如何表达她们的感谢之情。</h3> <h3>六月,是一个美好的季节,我们的孩子每天在园里度过快乐的时光,陪着外教老师一起上课做游戏。中班组舞蹈《The hokey pokey》。</h3> <h3>宝贝,今天你们就要毕业了,愿你们的友谊就像歌里唱的那般《友谊地久天长》</h3> <h3>最后,让我们用照片记录这一特殊的日子,留下一张毕业合影。</h3> <h3>孩子们,带着老师对你们深深的祝福与期望,在小学的天空展翅翱翔吧!</h3><h3> </h3> 赣州市中航城吉的堡双语幼儿园第八届毕业典礼圆满结束。<div>非常感谢家长们的积极配合与支持💓</div><div>老师们,家长们还有宝贝们大家辛苦啦!</div>