盘点收获 共享成长 ——莱州小学英语名师工作室“读书交流暨年度工作考核”会议纪实


<h3><font color="#010101">  绚丽多彩、烁玉流金的六月,带着火一般的热情,莱州小学英语名师工作室的全体成员齐聚双语学校“李艳名师工作室”,隆重举行“读书交流暨年度工作考核”总结大会。</font></h3> <h3>  为了给成员们搭建阅读交流平台、创设浓厚读书氛围,进一步提升大家的文化素养,以促养成阅读、写作、反思、研究的良好习惯,自今年三月份以来,工作室主持人李艳老师,坚持组织大家进行“每日悦读”主题阅读活动。本次交流会就是对前期阅读成果进行汇报交流,主题是“ Funny reading!Happy sharing! ”(悦读乐享)。</h3> <h3>  读书交流会在工作室核心成员郑金彦老师流利地道的英文主持下拉开帷幕。</h3> <h3>  The reading topic today is “Funny reading, Happy sharing!”we hope this reading exchange would help us improve our habit of reading, writing, rethinking and analyzing. We should communicate each other’s experience and teaching methods, rethink our weakness and analyze our gains.</h3> <h3><font color="#010101">  根据阅读教学的环节,大家结合读书所得所感和课堂实践,从阅读前、阅读中、阅读后三个议题,进行了自己的观点交流。每位成员都进行了精心的准备,引经据典、旁征博引的理论高度,引人入胜、精彩纷呈的课例展示,优美动听、专业地道的口语,PPT、图片加以辅助,颇有大家风范。</font></h3> <h3>议题一:</h3><h3>How to inspire the interest of students before reading?</h3><h3>阅读前怎样激发学生的兴趣?</h3> <h3>Wang Yafei:</h3><h3>How to attract pupils ' interests before reading?</h3><div>1.Using the title of the text运用文本标题。</div><div>2.Using free talk 运用自由交谈</div><div>3.Using pictures of the text 运用文本插图</div><div>4.Creating situations创设情景</div><div>5.Using games运用游戏</div><div>6.Using questions运用问题</div><div>7.Talking about background knowledge 谈论背景知识</div> <h3>Sun Yu:</h3><h3>How to Stimulate Students’ Interest before Reading?</h3><div> </div><div>Firstly, students’ interest can be inspired by songs.</div><div>Secondly, free talk is a good way to arouse students’ interest. </div><div>Thirdly, reviewing is a powerful method in stimulating students’ interest.</div> <h3>Wang Feng:</h3><h3>巧用思维导图:</h3><h3>图片式思维导图(Pictorial mind map) <br></h3><div>Before class,let the students make a mind map by themselves. It can stimulate students interest in learning English and wake up the students already have knowledge.</div><div>Tabular mind map(表格式思维导图)</div><div>Show a tabular mind map(表格式思维导图). Lead the students to guess the second question.</div><div>积极预测Prediction:</div><div>Prediction is an important part of the reading process.So I will show some pictures about the text.And let the students prediction the text.When they read the text with their prediction.They are interested and excited.I think we must reach our teaching goal.</div> <h3>Liu Zhongjie:</h3><h3>Some Thoughts of the Effective Design about Pre-reading</h3><h3>1.Scene Introduction: let students melt their emotions into the scene</h3><h3>2.Game Introduction: full of funny in class</h3><h3>3.Suspense introduction:The class is full of suspense.</h3> <h3>Feng Yan:</h3><h3>Firstly,creating the life situation and cultivate the communication ability of language. 巧设生活情景,发展语言能力。</h3><div>Secondly,creating the story situation and cutivate the ability to use language.创设故事情景,培养语言运用能力。 </div> <h3>  工作室核心成员赵洁老师进行了阅读前教学观点梳理总结,她在日常教学中大胆实践,值得我们学习。</h3> <h3>Zhao Jie:</h3><h3>Principles for pre- reading读前设计活动的3个原则:</h3><h3>1.Students are subjectivity principle.学生主体性原则。</h3><h3>2. Purposiveness principle目的性原则。</h3><h3>3. Real life situation principle.真实情境原则。</h3><div><br></div> <h3>议题二:</h3><h3>How to help students understand the content during the reading time?</h3><h3>阅读中如何帮助学生理解文本?</h3> <h3>Ge Xuefeng:</h3><h3>Reading effectively, improves pupils' reading comprehension.</h3><h3>1. In-depth exploration helps pupils deconstruct the funny reading.深度探究,帮助"悦"读文本。</h3><h3>2. Grasp the details, create active class.把握细节,创设生命课堂。</h3><h3>3.Make full use of pictures.利用插图,培养读图能力。</h3><h3>4. Construct the text clearly with the help of mind map.思维导图,清晰建构文本。</h3><h3>5.Phonics teaching, understand words in the text.拼读教学,理解文本单词。</h3> <h3>Yang Jing:</h3><h3>The Good Ways for Reading English.</h3><div>I deviede 4 steps to help students learn the reading text.</div><div>1st: Guide leading questions</div><div>2nd: Comb questions</div><div>3rd :Detail questions</div><div>4th:Deep questions</div> <h3>Zhang Xiaoping:</h3><h3>"思维导图”开启学生阅读之旅</h3><h3>1.Faced with a large number of new words and a long essay, we can use the mind map to help the students to understand the text.</h3><h3>2.In the face of short essays with fewer new words and less space, the article has a simple structure. In this way, students can use mind mapping to help them understand the text.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>Su Ye:</h3><h3>一、采用文本解构、获取文本信息 </h3><div>Adopt information deconstruction to refine text views. </div><div>1.Paragraph the text分段 </div><div>2.Title the text命题 </div><div>二、活用问题引领、帮助学生理解 </div><div>Apply questions to guide students to understand. </div><div>三、巧用思维导图、构建知识网络 </div><div>Skillfully use the mind map to build the knowledge network.</div> <h3>Zhang Feifei:</h3><h3>1.When we read a passage,we usually follow these steps: understanding the text as a whole,reading in details, overall review of the text.When we read in details,we should raise some questions to help the students to understand the text step by step.</h3><div>2.When we learn a passage,it’s necessary to have 3 steps:pre-reading, while-reading,post-reading.While-reading is the the main body.In order to understand the text deeply,we usually follow these steps:skim-to get the general idea;scan-to get information in detail;overall review-to understand the text deeply in a whole again.</div><div><br></div><div> </div> <h3>Zhu Songli:</h3><h3>1、抓住主线,贯穿始终。</h3><div>Grasp the main line throughout all the teaching.</div><div>2、问题引领,层层推进。</div><div>Raise important questions and carry out the story.</div><div>3、预测验证,发展思维。</div><div>Develop thinking ability by predicting and verifying.</div><div>4、变换方法,提取信息。</div><div>Take different reading strategies to extract key information.</div><div>5、导图建构,整体梳理。</div><div>Make mind maps to comprehend the whole stories.</div> <h3>  对老师们阅读中收获的交流,郑金彦老师进行了精准独到的点评,并希望大家能够把好的方法不断去整合运用。</h3> <h3>  工作室年轻有为的核心成员于晶老师进行点评,她就阅读中的方法进行了总结。</h3> <h3>Yu Jing:</h3><h3>I think we can make our reading more easier in these ways : </h3><div>Ⅰ.Build a mind-map or a chart.</div><div>Ⅱ. Set up effective questions.</div><div>Ⅲ. Read in different ways.</div><div>Ⅳ. Teach the reading skills.</div><div>Ⅴ. Train the phonics.</div><div><br></div> <h3>议题三:</h3><h3>How to effectively guide the students to develop the reading skills after reading?</h3><div>阅读后如何有效指导学生进行拓展?</div> <h3>Zhao Minlei:</h3><h3>1.Activities to Consolidate knowledge</h3><h3>2.Activities to improve the quality of thinking</h3><h3>3.Activities to improve reading skills</h3><h3>4.Activities to broaden cultural horizons</h3><div>5.Activities to develop comprehensive language skills</div> <h3>Wang Xiaolun:</h3><div>1.After dealing with the text, I used the way of retelling the text according to the mind map on the blackboard.</div><div>2.In the extension, I offered a similar passage like the text. Ask students to make a mind map after reading. The students are interested in it. And most of them did a good job. Maybe they are not perfect. But they can uderstand the passage well. </div><div>It can be seen that the application of the mind map can inspire the interest in reading. The students’ thinking quality also will be developed by using the mind map.</div> <h3>Chi Wenjuan:</h3><h3>How to design effective after-reading activities?</h3><h3>I think the important thing is that we should train students' reading abilities and thinking abilities. </h3><h3>1.Continuation of the story</h3><h3>2.Create situations and encourage diverse expressions.</h3><h3>3.Make mind map.</h3><h3>4.Retell the story.</h3><h3>5.Rewrite the story.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>Sun Xuefang:</h3><h3>Reacquainted with post-reading activity</h3><div>一、I think post- reading activities are held around the text information and language output activities, let the student through oral and written exercises testing teaching effect, and through a variety of language practice activity in the internalization of knowledge and migration, cultivate the students' comprehensive language using ability.</div><div>二、How to choose effective post-reading activities</div><div>(一)How to strengthen the text of textbooks?</div><div>1.Use retelling skillfully to consolidate and apply language knowledge.</div><div>2.Situational performance, deep understanding of the text.</div><div>(二)How to expand the textbook content</div><div>3.Promote writing by reading and improve the ability to use language.</div><div>4.Create living situations and promote divergent thinking.</div> <h3>  核心成员孙清媛老师,梳理点评了老师们的个人观点,并提出了自己独到的见解。</h3> <h3>Sun Qingyuan:</h3><h3>First, we can retrain the students' oral expression ability through mind mapping, form, filling in and so on, and further consolidate the content of the text.</h3><div>Second, we can cultivate students' performing ability through performing stories, and deepen their understanding of the text.</div><div>Third, we can also cultivate students' thinking ability and knowledge application ability through sequel stories and adaptation stories.</div><div>Next, I add my own point of view: after reading, we can also let students express their views on the story and talk about what they learned from the story. What would you do if you were a character in the story? In combination with the reality of life, it leads to students' thinking. Or let students express their views freely in the form of debate. These are ways to cultivate students' thinking ability.</div> <h3>  在全体成员交流之后,小学英语名师工作室主持人李艳老师,谈了自己的收获,并分享了在认真倾听大家交流之后的感受,肯定了大家的用心,看到每一位成员读书后的改变,非常欣喜,鼓励大家坚持阅读,不断成长!</h3> <h3>  按照会议日程安排,主持人李艳老师组织老师们就读书笔记、思维导图、交流表现、教学设计等进行了现场观摩、相互评价,这是对成员们进行年度考核的一个重要评价机制。</h3> <h3><font color="#010101">  会议最后,李老师带领大家回顾了工作室成立一年以来,组织开展的各项活动,引发成员们思考:自己的进步是什么?现在处于成长的哪一步?在思想意识、理论高度、课堂实践、研究能力等方面,是否有突破?接下来努力的方向是什么?她引用几句名言来鼓励大家要珍惜机会、创新意识、相互学习、抱团成长!</font></h3> <h3>  如李艳老师所说所做:Future is in your own hands.我们都应该不负期待,共促成长,在专业发展的路上脚踏实地,砥砺前行。</h3>









