<h3>1801期285号kk#小西妈双语工程121打卡20180625亲子阅读记录465</h3><h3>audio:2a unit5-12;发音歌;字母歌;清汉第三册;水调歌头,赤壁怀古,海尼曼,成语2个,busy spider,when we build a house</h3><h3>read:farmer dans ducks;the bird feeders;little wolf"s new home;all about sharks;big lizard little lizard</h3><h3>video:Alice的《shark》课,可爱那个神曲了shark song。。</h3><h3>game:(今晚值得mark。今晚是特别的一晚,哥哥开窍的一晚,他说他喜欢Alice那小女孩,她以前也不会英语,我也是,我现在会英语😓,然后今晚就开始输出了,可以跟妈妈交流各种鸟,提到词穷他就中文替换一下,泥巴什么哒)😂😂。。✌️✌️妈妈未来只要好好备课,给哥哥植入高质量语言就可以啦。。(估计是看人家小女孩讲的很好,原来发现英语是这么用来讲的,开窍了。)好了,妈妈要正常点,平常心,静静待花开。。</h3><h3>1.tonight we played the birds game。。</h3><h3>1)ostrich:is the biggest bird in the world,when he is afraid,he buries his head into the sand。(we saw the jack-in-the -box viedo again to find the ostrich。。maybe it can bury into the tree hole</h3><h3>2)penguin:we had dress up it;its abdomen is white,it has wings but not for flying;just for swimming;it can slide on the ice</h3><h3>3)parrot:is a bird which can talk。。we see the polly parrot from peppa pig;say"hello"hello,that bird is parrot,its feathers are colorful。</h3><h3>4)turkey:you konw we had learnt the unit"gobble gobble"。。the turkey said gobble,the duck said quack。。they are quarrelling。。《good morning train》that the final animal almost miss the train we recognized that it is peacock</h3><h3>5)crow:the story "crow thought how to drink water"is talking about this bird。oneday,a crow is thirsty,he found a bottle of water ,however it is a little bottle,he could use the beak to drink water,and then he got a good idea to pick some little stones into the bottle,what happened?the water float。。the crow can drink water</h3><h3>6)dove and pigeon ,maybe the same meaning in Chinese,the dove is white,the pigeon is gray。。dove represents peace;pigeon maybe the food for human,it is bigger than dove</h3><h3>7)woodpecker:woodpecker is a doctor to cure the sick tree。sometimes some pests decay the trees,the woodpecker could pick the trunk and eat the pest/caterpillar</h3><h3>8)flamingo:flamingo is as pink as a sky;the sky is pink at sunset,it is the same color as flamingo</h3><h3>9)eagle:eagle spread its wings that soared effortlessly in the sky;it can catch mouse/bunny。</h3><h3>10)peacock:it has a beautiful tail,and it can spread its tail to attract the opposite sex。。</h3><h3>11)goose,swan;swan is beautiful and it can fly;goose is like the duck swimming on the water,or walk on the land。。</h3><h3>12)owl:is a bird with very large eyes.These eyes make owl look clever.The owl can not move its eyes freely as we can.It can only move straight ahead.If it wants to look at both sides it must turn its neck .Owls see better at night than during the day.At night they look for food.They eat mice and insects.Owls make a strange noise.Because the owls sleep most of the day,they usually give their cries at night.The cry sound like "whoop,whoop".This strange sound sometimes makes people frightens at night.</h3><h3>13)robin:migrating。Some robins fly away when the weather gets cold, they fly to warm places where they can find food, later robin fly back again, robins have feathers on their wings, the feathers help robins fly, they keep the robbins warm too.</h3><h3>14)sparrows :are small, plump, brown and grey birds with short tails and stubby, powerful beaks</h3><h3>15)stork:The storks are carnivorous, taking a range of reptiles, small mammals, insects, fish, amphibians and other small invertebrates. they are large, long-legged, long-necked birds with long, stout beaks</h3><h3>16)seagull、hawk、swallow、raven</h3><h3>2.爸爸引导划数学,只修改一个数字,其他pass(妈妈只能打打闹闹玩,正儿八经坐那里写数字,血压就升高)😂😂</h3><h3>3.很喜欢shark 那个神曲,哼着做动作。。</h3><h3>4.录两个任意故事交幼儿园作业。哈哈哈哈。(中文)</h3><h3><br /></h3>