<h1>一大早一场闷热的雨还是遮住了热浪的翻滚,小茶几上装桃子的塑料袋因气流的作用站得好端正,不时左右摇摆发出低低的唰唰声,旁边的矿泉水瓶子上的标签"纯水乐"也没有了像昨天那样的天气令人如获至宝。静静立在袋子旁随时供人们享用。In the early morning a muggy rain still covered the tumbling of the heat waves. The plastic bags of peach in the small tea table stood well with the effect of air flow, swaying and swaying from time to time, and the label "pure water" on the mineral water bottle beside it was not as good as the weather like yesterday. Stand quietly beside the bag for people to enjoy.</h1><h1> 返修裂缝的背台,搭好的钢管架矗立在楼底,小区院子里硬化好的混凝土路面结实,平整,干净,整洁。这里的居民经常唸叨的一个人是2010年为他们硬化小区院子里的“麻工"。</h1><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"> Repair the cracks on the back stage, the steel pipe rack is standing at the bottom of the building, and the hardened concrete pavement in the courtyard is solid, neat, clean and tidy. One of the residents here often talks about "hemp workers" in the courtyard of their hardened communities in 2010. </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><h1>‘那年夏天,同样酷热难捱,哥哥到榆林办事来看望居住在这里的妹妹,看见当时破旧的院落就询问妹妹,为什么不硬化一下,当妹妹告诉他这里的居民大部分是原榆林市化工厂的职工,因企业搬迁至内蒙,大部分职工也自然失业没了收入,哪里还有钱修路面?哥哥听后沉思了一会说,你们联系一下他们,你们出个料钱,我给你们贴工修一下吧。一That summer, the same hot and difficult, brother to work in Yulin to live in the sister here, see the old courtyard then asked his sister, why not harden, when his sister told him that most of the residents here are the original workers in the original Yulin chemical plant, because enterprises moved to Inner Mongolia, most of the workers are also naturally unemployed and unemployed Where is the income, where is the money to repair the road? After hearing this, my brother thought for a while and said, "please contact them. ‘ give me some money. I'll fix it for you."就这样哥贴了工把路面变成了一条水泥路面。小区的居民都知道给他们修路的“麻工”是个好人!可是妹妹心里明白哥当时的处境有多艰难,妹妹望望哥哥因生意的失败身心疲惫时,心疼又委曲,哥就你这样,慈不掌兵,义不掌财。什么时间才能走出困境?哥哥笑笑说,“没事,能邦一把是一把。"麻工的义使化工厂小区几十户住户体“验了把温暖的人情。一卜rIn this way, the elder brother posted the work and turned the pavement into a cement road. The residents in the community know that the "maid" who built the road for them is a good man. But my sister knew how difficult the situation was. My sister looked down at his brother because of the failure of his business. When can we get out of the dilemma? The elder brother smiled and said, "it's okay. "The meaning of the jute industry has made dozens of households in the chemical plant area experience the warmth of human feelings.‘忘不了你两次挽救自寻短见堂姐的生命,特别是那次她喝了农药需灌肠,抢救室里停水,你两手提四个壶从楼底打水,嫂子给你接水,你飞跑送水。因救人心急,你1米89的个子,两双长腿飞快地跑上跑下和时间,生命赛跑,你一步跨几个台阶,没有耽误姐的抢救时间,而你却最后一脚踏空从楼梯上摔下来把腿摔伤。爬起来继续飞跑…哥,是你救了堂姐,永远感激你!</h1><h1> 2013年6月,哥哥刚在神通公司站立脚跟,老父亲一病不起,当时正是哥哥事业发展的关键时期,望望病床上的父亲,哥哥孝字当先,也顶着被辞退的风险请假领着重病的父亲坐上南下的火车到省城治病。In June 2013, my brother was just standing at the heel of the Shen Tong company. His old father was diseased. At that time, it was the key period of his brother's career development. He looked at his father on the bed, his brother filial piety first, and the father who had been dismissal and took the seriously ill father to the city of the province.‘‘40多天的住院治疗,哥哥西安一神木两头跑,那年那月正遇上暴雨冲跨了路桥,哥哥中途回家,到了神木火车站哥淌着没膝的洪水回家照料家中事情,安抚焦急的妈妈。当他再次返省的时候由于太过劳累,经济压力大,不知不觉就睡着了。那罪恶的小偷偷走了哥给爸凑的救命钱,哥经受了常人无法经受的精神折磨,再次凑钱花了二十几万尽了一个儿子的责任和义务。‘“老父亲临终望着哥说:"光田,大大把你亏了。"意思是哥给他花了钱却没能挽救回他的生命。让哥料理他的后事一切从简。哥哥哭着安慰父亲说:“大你放心,人家咋办咱咋办"父亲带着对世界和亲人的无限眷恋走了。哥哥忍着悲痛把父亲的后事料理妥当,安抚两个小妹,照顾悲伤的母亲,他是我家的顶梁柱,支撑了我们这个风雨飘摇的家庭。</h1><h1> 这几年哥事业突飞猛进,在天峰国际大酒店工程部施展他的才华,他的辛勤付出也得到了相应的回报,他被评为先进工作者,他的工程部承揽的几项大工程在神木拔地而起,哥每次和我交流总是自豪地说,"这楼是我盖的。"同村的伙伴找他打工养家糊口,哥总是尽量给予照顾,哥把他的情义传达给了需要的人。城市的建设流下了哥辛勤的汗水,奋斗的身影,人生自古忠孝难两全,但哥凭借着顽强的毅力,坚定的信念走出困境,想他人之想,急他人之急。孝心动天地,当之无愧妹妹的楷模!哥是一个令人尊敬的建设者!真诚地向哥致敬!</h1><p class="ql-block"><br></p>