

<h3>📖阅读:</h3><div>🎵音频:Peppa pig S1Camping</div><div> Paw patrol S1E2 </div><div>🎬视频:Peppa pig S3E13 </div><div> Paw patrol S1E3</div><div>🇨🇳:早读晚诵第一册部分</div><div><br></div> <h3>🍭Field trip:Fire hall</h3><h3>Look at big bold fire engines, they are waiting day and night ready for a rescue or a blazing fire to fight.<br></h3><div><br></div><div>Can you find the alarm and wall?As soon as there is a fire alarm ,the engine starts to roar.The fire fighters jump aboard --it rumbles out the door.</div><div><br></div><div>Did you ever saw that the engine speeding with the siren screaming and the bright lights flashing on the street?</div><div><br></div><div>Look at fire fighter's equipments.The hermets ,fireproof pants and jackets,Boots so big and strong.</div><div><br></div><div>The water tank is empty soon, so where can more be found?The engine's pump can pull it up from pipes below the ground.</div><div><br></div><div>The fire is hot and roaring .It makes a lot of smoke.The fire fighters put on masks, otherwise they'd choke.</div><div><br></div><div>When the fire is extinguished.The flames arw all put out.What would the fire fighters do?Lower the ladder, roll the hose.</div> <h3>Fireproof hose</h3><div>Fireproof means something that cannot be damaged by fire.</div><div><br></div><div>If the rope is not fireproof,it will be ruined very easily.So the firefighters must use the fireproof rope in the fire rescue.</div><div><br></div><div>When the firefighters arrive at somewhere on fire.The crew jump out ,unrolls the hose quickly.The hose points up its nozzle and shoots a jet of spray .</div><div>The nozzle is something at the end of the hose.It's funnel shaped.</div><div><br></div><div>The fire axe and shovle help the firfighter to go across somewhere can not get through when they are in the disaster rescue.</div><div><br></div><div>Look at the ladder on the fire engine .The ladder rises upward.A fire engine's ladder stretches up very high to get the or other high place that on fire.</div><div><br></div><div>The first aid kit has some medicine and madicle equipments in it.If someone is injured,that could help them immediately.</div><div><br></div> <h3>The most unforgettable time:The fireman lift him up and let him sit in the cab of the big engine.</h3> 🍭We went to the cinema for the film"The Incredibles"<div><br></div><div>Where can we buy popcorn and beverages.I'd like a medium bucket of popcorn ,a bottle of mineral water and a bottle of orange-flavor read juice.And also a package of MM Beans.(其实早就在app买好了😂)Okay Iet's get in.Do you know what's the plot of the film?It's about a super men family.You must keep your voice down at the cinema.Sounds like it a very good movie.I was very excited for that.It's been a long time since we last saw a film.Our seat is at the eight row.This is a 3D movie,you had to wear the 3D glasses.Maybe it will make you a little uncomfortable.But you can only see it with the glasses.Max并没有像从前那样抗拒3D眼镜,全程看的十分投入😁剧情比较紧凑,长篇对话不多,所以英文版完全可以接受,等了十分钟彩蛋,答案是没有,没看的不用等了😜</div> <h3>Only one picture I made at the cinema,bcs my cellphone was out off power.</h3> <h3>We talked about the plot of the movie.</h3><h3>M:Do you like the movie we had watched today?</h3><h3>B:Yes.</h3><h3>M:And which part is your favourite?</h3><h3>B:The super baby.</h3><h3>M:I think you are also my superbaby.And what kind of power do you have?Can you be inviseble?</h3><h3>B:My power is "放屁"😂😂</h3><h3>这两天看巧虎动物逃生技能里面,臭鼬的技能看多了😂</h3> <h3>After the film we palyed the coin-operated games. </h3><h3>We played the Animals rescue,Submarine,Fishing and racing car games.We were excited for the games.</h3><h3>纠音:tear[ter]不是[i]</h3><h3> float不是[au]是ou</h3> <h3>Lego class.Max built up the Eiffel Tower that is the landmark of Paris,France.Paris is the captal of France.And do you know where is the captal of China?</h3><h3>B:Beijing.</h3> <h3>Max drew a picture with paint and water color pens.He considered that was the solar systerm.</h3><h3>妈妈卡壳了,太阳是fixed star差点说planet,还好收住了。</h3>