<h3>今天看到老朋友老同學郝大哥的美篇!好美!前几天一个朋友写她的愛情故事,好感人!我从小语文就不好!很不喜歡写作文!但是今天我有強烈的冲动想学习做美篇,学习写文章!</h3><h3>Today I saw a Meipian. This was written by my friend Hao Yannan. It’s very beautiful. Some days ago. One of my friends wrote her love story and it was also very touching to me.</h3><h3>When I was young, I didn’t have a good language class. I didn’t like writing. But today I have a strong impulse: I want to learn to do Meipian, I want to learn to write articles.</h3> <h3>昨天老公休息,我下班他接我回家后说:他想鍛練身體,我们开小船出海,他用手动划回来。</h3><h3>Yesterday my husband had a day off. When l got off work he took me home, he said to me: He wants to exercise. So we used petrol outboard motor drove the boat to the sea. We come back with he used the oars for rowing the dinghy.</h3> <h3>他还在小船上备了两支釣魚杆,希望能钓到大魚,結果钓到了一把海草!</h3><h3>He also prepared two fishing rods on boat. We hope to catch big fish. As a result, we caught a seaweed.</h3> <h3>今天我休息!睡了个大懶覺!8点过才起床。检查我的蟹笼子发现一个大泥蟹在里面。我看了看以为是母蟹,我想拍照留个纪念!</h3><h3>Today I have a day off. I slept a big sleep. I got up before 8 o’clock. I checked my crab box. There is a big mud crab inside. I looked at it is a female crab. I want to take photo!</h3> <h3>我准备将它放回海里,结果一翻身,我才看到它是一只大公蟹。</h3><h3>I am ready to put it back into the sea. As a result, it turned around and I only saw it: it was a male crab.</h3> <h3>我赶紧找桶来,在邻居的帮助下才将它放入桶里,用干净水浸泡一会儿,再放入冰箱冷冻。今天很幸运!</h3><h3>I quickly finding a bucket. I put it in the bucket with the help of my neighbor. Use clean blisters for a while and then put in the freezer. Fortunate today!</h3> <h3>今天第一次做美篇不知效果怎么样!试试吧!</h3><h3>Meipian for the first time today, I do not know how the effect! Try it!</h3>