夏威夷-毛伊岛之旅 轻松简约三天半


<h3>6/10/18 9:30PM, Aloha, Kahului Airport, Maui!</h3> <h3>取车去到酒店办完手续上房己十一点多了,附近的店铺已关门, 加上我们的住房是自配有橱房炉具 酒店没有room service. 我们只能草草的吃了泡面 以最快的速度梳洗完毕 争取好的休息 为明天的行程而备。 </h3> <h3>6/11/18 9:00Am-11:30Am. 直升机环岛游 </h3><h3>Maui spectacular (1&amp;1/2 hour event) . It is a combination of West Maui and Hana/ Haleakala Tours. </h3><h3><br /></h3> <h3>空中畅游 壮丽美景尽收眼底 </h3> <h3>Lahaina </h3> <h3>West Maui Forest Reserve </h3> <h3>Wailuku </h3> <h3>Wailea </h3> <h3>After 30 minutes into the beautiful tour, the pilot lands at Ulapalakua Ranch. We enjoy the breathtaking view on the Haleakala slopes.</h3> <h3>Let’s have a drink!!</h3> <h3>Ko’olau Forest Reserve </h3> <h3>Kula </h3> <h3>Kula Restaurant - We wanted something to eat prior to Haleakalā National Park since there are no food sold in the park. Luckily, we came upon this restaurant on route. The service, quality of food, and the view was worth the stop!</h3> <h3>View from our seats at Kula Restaurant</h3> <h3>Kula Restaurant makes fresh pizza on their own outdoor oven. </h3> <h3>Yummy!</h3> <h3>Finally, we arrive at the park after traveling on some intensely windy roads.</h3> <h3>Short hike</h3> <h3>Haleakalā Craters </h3> <h3>🌟 Be prepared to experience low temperatures&nbsp;due to high altitudes </h3><h3> </h3><h3><br /></h3> <h3>Being patient and enjoy.....</h3> <h3>6/12/18 Road to Hana— Twin Falls </h3><h3>🌟 Must use mosquito repellant </h3> <h3>Twin Falls </h3> <h3>We soon learned about the mosquitoes the hard way. Quickly leaving!</h3> <h3>Hookipa Beach Park overlook </h3> <h3>Big Beach, Kihei.&nbsp;</h3><h3>仔仔的开心时刻</h3> <h3>Molokini Crater </h3> <h3>Lahaina Harbor</h3><h3>6/13/18 7:30Am, 姐妹相遇 将出发到 Molokini Crater 潜水啦!</h3> <h3>What a sweet couple!</h3> <h3>love </h3> <h3>  Cool catch, Karen! </h3> <h3>船上午歺后 继续下一站 乌龟岛 </h3> <h3>乌龟岛海域 </h3><h3>只有仔仔很幸运的能与海龟同游 </h3><h3>1:00Pm 活动结束。</h3> <h3>潜水活动后,下午来到位于Lahaina 姐妹住的酒店沙滩戏水玩耍 </h3> <h3>5:00Pm, 一起共进晚餐 观看民族风情浓郁的舞蹈表演 </h3> <h3>6/14/18 10:30Am在去机场的途中来到 Iao Valley State Park 一游 </h3> <h3>感恩我们有个平安愉快的假期!</h3><h3>Mahalo (thank you) Hawaii! </h3>