北京现代舞团舞剧“二十四节气•花间十二声”--- 七月渥太华“音乐无极限”音乐节隆重献演


<h3>"春、夏、秋、冬"是神的风情,是天地的一次完整呼吸,是生命的气象和精神.万物在这一呼一吸间,从苏醒、生发、收获、枯亡形成生命性的动律,宇宙在变化中完成一次次轮回…神在无限爱念中风情万种地旋转…</h3><h3>花间是众花神的世界,是万物中一双观天地冷暖,四季途境的眼睛…”</h3><h3>古有"花间集"汇天下情人,今愿”花间十二声”一渡一生缘…</h3><h3> —— 津子</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3></h3><h3>每年,加拿大渥太华“音乐无极限”音乐节(OTTAWA Music and Beyond)都在浪漫而多彩的七月荣耀登场,不过,今年可不一样, 应音乐节主办方及协办方(渥太华华星艺术团)之邀。由高艳津子团长兼导演率队,北京现代舞团的舞剧《24节气•花间十二声》(Blooming of Time) 将于同期开始北美巡演。7月11日在多伦多,7月13日和14日在渥太华。这是北京现代舞团的经典巨作,继欧洲之后的北美巡演。</h3><h3>每个人都是舞者,只要你愿意打开自己,呵呵,津子如是说。</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>作品简介:</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>二十四节气是我国古代劳动人民在观察、测量太阳位置变化规律的基础上,总结出的反映季节变化、指导农事活动、影响千家万户衣食住行的补充历法,是中国人特有的计算时间的方式,是天地对话的发现,是东方哲学和美学的显现。<br></h3> <h3>Introduction to the works:<br></h3><h3>As the creative subject of stage art, Beijing Modern And Contemporary Dance Company (BMCDC)has been concerned about the culture of "time" in recent years. Two important reasons for mission: one is that the wisdom of China's unique computing time is not only accurate but also the crystallization of Chinese philosophy, and the other is that the creation of the present stage is mostly realistic or historical subject. BMCDC hopes to create works that walk with time, which can be shared to the world and walk to every age. The people of the world and the new generation can learn about Chinese culture and wisdom through the works of "time", and learn the beauty and taste of life from it.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>整场演出除了专业的舞蹈演员的演绎,璀璨的灯光配合还有崔健老师作为音乐指导,让观众享受高品质的视听盛宴。在这场顶级盛宴里,观众可以感受到二十四节气在四季的替换,五谷轮回中摸索出的大自然对话,相处的智慧。 北京现代舞团希望此次演出可以在现代舞的剧场里带领观众在时空的隧道中访古问今,在传统里遇见现代,感同身受大自然的 Blooming of Time。</h3> <h3>我看见,最后一朵塑料浪花被击碎,变成真正的水</h3><h3>— — 高艳津子</h3><h3></h3><h3>I witnessed the final artificial surf crushed and morphed into authentic water.</h3><h3></h3><h3>— — Gao Yanjinzi</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>《二十四节气》有别于以往的现代舞的创作方式,摒弃掉传统现代舞的晦涩、抽象、深刻等形式,将古典舞、民族舞、芭蕾舞等多种舞蹈形式都融合在其中,并运用大量多媒体手段、灯光声效道具服装美轮美奂,使整台现代舞剧更加开阔和自由,可以与观众进行更大面积的互动和对话。</h3><h3>这台《24节气-花间十二声》从中国古有的智慧和情韵中获取营养,由十二个与花有关的故事串联,花神、狐狸、蛇、虫子、人等多种生命形态都将出现,在24节气里穿梭。</h3> <h3></h3><h3>Dance drama: “Blooming of time”</h3><h3>If all things are not affectionate, there is no "sense of life" of the world ...</h3><h3></h3><h3>"Spring, summer, autumn and winter" are the customs of God, a complete breath of heaven and earth,</h3><h3>the weather and spirit of life. In this breath of all things, from waking, growing, harvesting, and dying form the rhythm of life, The universe completed a reincarnation again and again in the change ...</h3><h3></h3><h3>God rotates in infinite love, exceedingly fascinating and charming...</h3><h3>The midst of flowers is the world of many flower gods and is the eyes in everything that watch the world's warm and cold and the four seasons…</h3><h3></h3><h3>In ancient times, there were "flower sets" to exchange the world's lovers. Today, we hope that” blooming of time” has a chance to cross a border.... ⸺Gao yanjinzi</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>"太阳总会先东升后西沉,太阳也会先西沉后东升⋯"二十四节气•花间十二声以二十四节气为栽体,以花的眼睛,花的聆听,花的心动看世界,收获十二段花开花落间不同生灵发生的故事。</h3> <h3>二十四节气是花可以行走的腿,每一个节气让花奔跑在不同的途景中,二十四节气让花的绽开不会在凋零处结束,新的精神会继续传递⋯神的爱从未真正地离开⋯</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3></h3><h3>编导的创作从春分开始,经历谷雨⋯小满⋯白露⋯大雪⋯最后轮回到立春、惊蛰结束。观众在全剧中会体会到自然本身在无定式中却自有规律。每一次轮回都承载着古老的灵魂,每一次出生都是生命新的绽放.. </h3> <h3>二十四节气描述了宇宙的律动与生命的节奏,天地人神、狐鬼蛇妖、花鸟鱼虫皆在其中蠕动、生成乃至漫化转变,它们的神奇与壮观,悲伤与喜悦不是人间所可以考量。</h3> <h3>花间十二声乃物神的灵啸,应和着节气的律动而展开其诡异无端,瑰美无比的景像,那些暧昧的人间情色,在尽情向着天地大观延伸,直至终止于宇宙之恢弘弦摆。。。。。</h3> <h3>在编导看来,是天、地、神、人的深情互动才完成了生命的延续,岁月的流转。《24节气-花间十二声》正是从中国古有的智慧和情韵中获取营养,从天、地、神、人多个面向入手,以现代舞为载体,在现代舞剧场里讲述天的博大、地的包容、神的风流、人的多情,物的生动。</h3><div><br></div><h3>舞的意义,不是思想。甚至不是美,是自由!</h3><h3>舞,就是动。绝对的、倾巢而出的动!</h3><h3>最辉煌的舞蹈动作,</h3><h3>一定是情不自禁,</h3><h3>一定是忘乎所以。</h3> <h3>看看舞团媒体评价及荣誉 Media Evaluation and Honors:</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>BMCDC is the most outstanding modern dance performance group in China. --- US "New York Times";</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>The performance of BMCDC is beyond our imagination! --- Italy state television, Venice Biennale;</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>The performers are excellent and disciplined, the choreography is rich and novel, and BMCDC is a state-level dance troupe.---French "Le Figaro";</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>There is no question of the excellence of these dancers. The JoyceTheater audience is not stingy with the love given to dancers and their works of the Beijing Modern dance troupe.--- US New York Times;</h3><h3></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3></h3><h3>They are contemporary Chinese Cultural Ambassadors. ⸺The Florida Performing Arts Beijing Modern And Contemporary Dance Company has written a striking record in the history</h3><h3>of Chinese dance. ⸺ People's Daily;</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>The subtle touch, collision and communication between dancers, and the final comprehension, all show that the space of modern dance in the inner exploration is very vast. ⸺"Chinese culture newspaper".</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>The dance works naturally present the style of the choreographer, and on the whole, it has outstandingly created a creative spirit. Beijing is an important place to bring the spirit of this information to all parts of the country. ⸺Hongkong - "Ta Kung Pao"</h3> <h3></h3><h3>Not only the dance is full of rich vocabulary, but with profound musicand stage art design, people find everything fresh and new. ⸺ "people's Daily";</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>We notice that BMCDC has completely abandoned the movement combination, using the kind of bravado irrelevant to the effect of music and gorgeous brilliant choreography just to please the motivation of audience, but has given the connotation of“ dance” as dissection of life, rather than to whitewash it. ⸺"Mandarin - Times";</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>The dancers are based on their different life experiences and feelings of life, and show people's happiness and sadness and inner strength and vulnerability in dance language. ⸺ China Culture Daily;</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>The overall performance level of BMCDC is particularly superb. ⸺"The Hongkong Tiger"</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>演出时间:</h3><h3>19:30PM July 13, 2018, (周五)</h3><h3>2:00PM July 14, 2018 (周六)</h3><h3>演出时长:8 5 分钟</h3><h3>演出剧场:Algonquin Commons Theatre </h3><h3>演出地点:1385 Woodroffe Ave, Nepean </h3><h3>票价(社团优惠价):$28 / $38 / $58 / VIP$88</h3><h3>主创人员:高艳津子、刘科栋、郭思达、黄志高、钟佳妮、阿宽、贾雷。</h3><h3>巡演人数:2 4 人(包含演员1 8 人)</h3><h3><br></h3><h3></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">购票信息: </font></h3><h3><font color="#010101">姚荣平: 613-2552020 王 瑾: 613-8515288 嘉 铭: 438-7280814 尹 健: 613-2252172 </font></h3><h3><font color="#010101">佟 春: 613-7495182 章诗雨: 613-7699758 黄雨彤:819-5984631 张 敏: 613-6639566 </font></h3><h3><font color="#010101">丁 桃: 613-8646588 </font>管亚东: 613-7414679 董红燕:613-7774725 管质丹: 613-7732582</h3><h3>毅像天开: 613-4226189 DUKE: 613-3220838 天 舒: 613-8084749. 杨子婵: 613-2867728 </h3><h3>徐姗: 6137161189</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>健康时报: 613-2888818 文化中心:613-2328403 Music and Beyond: 613-241-0777</h3><h3><font color="#010101">广告赞助: 613-864-6588</font></h3> <h3>主办单位:Music and Beyond Festival </h3><h3>协办单位:渥太华华星艺术团</h3><h3>支持单位:中华人民共和国驻加拿大使馆</h3><h3>冠名赞助:冠名赞助:Sinocan Supply Inc. </h3><h3>汉嘉酒业 国酒茅台加拿大经销商</h3>