教学笔记(一) 创造思维


<h3>Free-talk 实录</h3><h3>(一)给他们每天准备一个topic来谈论,昨天的主题是:You are in a ball. You want to invite the most beautiful prince or princess to dance with you. So, how can you make it?</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>在提供一定的语言框架后,学生亮点产出如下:</h3><h3>Kevin:I'm the king of this land. I'm powerful and I'm a wise man. I'm good at telling jokes, so you can have fun with me.</h3><h3>徐徐:I want to give you a rose. There is no flower more beautiful than you in this world. I also want to give you a star. There is no star more shining than you in this world.</h3><h3>小凯:Sweet heart......I'm so brave that I want you to dance with me.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>总结:You really give me beautiful words. That's good. But I hope you can remember: actions speak louder than words.So, let's work hard.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>(二)昨天的主题让一个问题掀起了风浪,一个女生回答说:“I want to dance with the princess, because I am a gay.”敏感而富有议论性的词语很快让爱热闹的小孩子们全体哗然。我当时没什么表情,学生似乎很期待我的反应,我淡淡说了一句:If two boys love each other, they’re gays. If two girls love each other, we call them lesbians.又学了个新鲜词,下面更热闹了,觉得这个话题是避不开了,于是干脆布置第二天的主题就是围绕这个展开。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>今天上课,班上两个孩子都准备了一页的稿子,科普了一些西方国家关于同性恋的知识并结合这些信息谈了自己的看法,每个同学都在认真倾听,而且在他们说完后都抱以真诚而热烈的掌声。我随后补充了关于同性婚姻合法的国家相关的知识,然后总结:Sometimes, you think some people or some things are cool, because they are different. But different things may not be good things, or right things. Just like what we talk about today, homosexuality is not cool, but fighting for true love in the face of difficulties is cool. 从他们认真专注的眼神里,我知道这个话题很好地解决了。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>然后把这个句型给出来:____________ is not cool, but ____________ is cool.对于形容词cool,也提供了新词进行替换:creative, cultured, sorrowful, stupid, selfish.然后慢慢产出了这些:</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Not having a best friend is not sad, but not having any friend is sad.</h3><h3>Getting good grades is not cultured, but being polite is cultured.</h3><h3>Caring about oneself is not selfish, but not caring about others is selfish.</h3><h3>Being poor is not stupid, but being always poor is stupid.......</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>My summary: being in darkness is not sorrowful, but being unable to see the light is sorrowful. Now I will share an inspiring sentence with you: (全班齐颂)“于浩歌狂热之际中寒,于天上看见深渊,于一切眼中看见无所有,于无所希望中得救。”——鲁迅 《墓碣文》</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>May we see through darkness, but be still full of hope.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>好,胡说八道完了,又要开始回到课文里讲单词语法句型,怎么才能让话题无趣的内容妙趣横生,怎么才能把潜力生的基础打牢,现实真是没那么可爱呢……路漫漫其修远兮。</h3>









