<h3>一连几天的暴雨带走了夏日的炎热,在这个凉爽干净的下午,红椿中学七年级四个班级进行了一场有趣的体操比赛。</h3><h3> (<i><b>The constant rain strom brought the hot away in this summer.At this cool and clean afternoon, there is a gymnastics competition among grade7 in Hong Chun middle school.)</b></i></h3> <h3>正在进场的童鞋们。</h3><h3>(<i><b>They are going to compete.)</b></i></h3> <h3>做操我们是努力的,评判我们是认真的!</h3><h3><b><i>(For the gymnastics, we are hard workers; For the points,we are seriously. )</i></b></h3> <h3>时代在召唤孩子们的青春,孩子们的自信,孩子们的朝气蓬勃。</h3><h3><b><i>(This era is calling for students' younth, confidence and energy.)</i></b></h3> <h3>评委们在认真的观看,揣摩应该给孩子们的表现打多少分。</h3><h3>(<b><i>Watching seriously then giving them the proper and fair comments.)</i></b></h3> <h3>每一个领操的同学脸上都透着自信与光荣。</h3><h3><b><i>(It is my glory to lead this activity)</i></b></h3> <h3>第二套中学生广播体操,时代在召唤。</h3> <h3>年级组长最后宣布比赛成绩。一脸严肃认真。<b><i>(A very serious gentleman is announcing the result of this competition</i></b>.)</h3> <h3>恭喜七二班的同学成为最后的大赢家。</h3><h3>(<i><b>Congratulations! The final winner is class two grade seven!)</b></i></h3>