<h3>🎀视频:无</h3><h3>🎀音频:0a unit1-5</h3><h3>🎀Game:</h3> <h3>1.</h3><h3>M:Look.They are birds.</h3><h3>How many birds can you see?Let's count one two three four five.I can see five birds.</h3><h3>What color are they?Yellow bird,red bird,orange bird,pink bird,green bird.</h3><h3><br /></h3> <h3>It can fly(fly song).</h3><h3>It can fly on your head/shoulder/feet.</h3><h3>宝贝也拿一只鸟飞到我头上,自己脚上</h3> <h3>2.</h3><h3>M:Judy.Your dog toy is on your rocking horse.It is riding a horse.One two three go.(giddy up horsey)</h3> <h3>3.玩秋千</h3><h3>M:You want to play with swing.Ok.Come on.You can fly.You can fly here.You can fly there.You are high in the air.</h3> <h3>4.座腿上骑马和座转椅骑马</h3><h3> M:Honey.Sit on my leg.Now you are riding a horse.Let's chant together.One two three go.(giddy up horsey)</h3><h3>宝贝有时gogogo也跟着说</h3> <h3>5.小豆芽和推磨</h3> <h3>🎀Read:</h3> <h3>🎀宝宝部分:</h3><h3>1.上午要去游泳我和宝贝说We are going to swim.宝贝说"游、游"并配上游的动作。</h3><h3>2.晚上骑爸爸背上我就唱(giddy up horsey)她也会说gogogo并配上手势</h3><h3>3.睡觉前总说gogogo.还说ya ya,我以为牙齿的牙就说刷过了呀,她用动作表演给我看是giddy up的ya</h3> <h3>🎀妈妈部分:</h3><h3>重新听第十讲</h3>