【新华艺坛●名家/展厅】《真情遍奇峰 艺染山水间――金陵飞天国画山水作品展读》新华日报专版介绍


<h1 style="text-align: center; ">金陵飞天文化艺术简介</h1><h1 style="text-align: center;"><br></h1><h1> 金陵飞天∶属羊,俗名∶王扣柱;字﹕长云;号∶心悟;艺耕斋,斋主。自幼酷爱艺术,6岁习书学画,五十年代启蒙师从于雪光,数十载苦心临摹古今百余家南帖北碑,吸取丰富精华。9岁荣获全国少年美术作品展览三等奖。1980年选派南京艺术学院进修,1989年结业于中国社会科学院研究生院。其后,书法美术作品在中国美术馆、江苏美术馆等全国性大型书画美术展览中荣获二三等奖8次,省市级荣获一二等奖16次。先后有两百多幅艺术作品被《美术》、《美术研究》、《艺术世界》、《江苏画刊》、《湖南画报》、《人民日报》、《工人日报》、《中国青年报》、《新华日报》、《扬子晚报》、《现代快报》、《南京晨报》等报刊上刊登艺术文学作品,并得到中国多位著名艺术评论家的赞评,以及被省市电视台作为自学成才的青年楷模采访报道广为宣传。1985年被编入《中国知名艺术家名录》。其书法、国画、金石印钮艺术作品,被香港、日本、新加波、美国、韩国、东南亚等国外知名人士及著名画廊收藏和展出。个人文学出版著作有中国汽车制造业史上的第一部长篇纪实文学《车脸》、《车辙》、《车辇》三部曲;发表中篇报告文学五篇,还出版《商海涛涛与艺海拾贝》等散文集两部。现为东南亚文化艺术交流协会秘书长,中国书法家、雕塑家协会会员、江苏省美术家、作家、收藏家协会(学会)会员,和中国管理现代化研究会会员、国家级品牌策划师。</h1><h3><br></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center; ">Brief Introduction to Jinling</h1><h1 style="text-align: center; ">Feitian Art</h1><h3>Born in year of sheep, JinlingFeitian, whose real name is Wang Kouzhu also liked to style himself as Changyun. He also may be known by the pseudonym Xinwu. Yi GengZhai is his studio. Having passion for art since childhood, he began to learn calligraphy and painting when he was six. First taught by Mr.YuXueguang in 1950s, he then spent decades in imitating famous calligraphy copies in Southern China and tablets in Northern China. He was awarded third place on National Teenager Art Competition at the age of 9. In 1980, he was chosen to pursue his study in Nanjing University of the Arts. After that, his calligraphy and painting works have been awarded 8 second and third national prizes hosted by National Art Museum of China and Jiangsu Art Museum. Besides of these, he also has won 16 first or second provincial or municipal prizes. Many media including Painting, Art World, Jiangsu Art, Worker’s Daily, China Youth News and Xinhua Daily have reported him as youth model for he learned art by himself. He has been listed in China’s Famous Artists Directory in 1985. His calligraphies, Chinese traditional paintings and seal cuttings have been collected and exhibited by celebrities and galleries in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, United States, South Korea, etc. Now he is Secretary General of Association for Southeast Asia Cultural, Art and Education Exchange, member of Associations of Chinese Calligrapher, Sculptor, Jiangsu Artist, Writer, and Collector. As a national-level brand designer, he is also member of Chinese Research Council of Modern Management.</h3>