

<h3> 耿宗兴,字浩章,斋号铭兴斋。天津市书法家协会会员,天津市作家协会会员,天津收藏家协会会员。 十二岁开始学习书法,八十年代起参加各种书法展,获金银铜奖三十余次。其中在2015年蓟州区第三届书画展中获金奖。作品被澳大利亚韩国和国内收藏爱好者收藏。 从1979年开始在人民日报,解放军报,中国青年报,中央人民广播电台等报刊发表新闻及文学作品千余篇,并多次获奖。 九十年代中期开始收藏古代艺术品。收藏瓷器玉器古钱币等数千件。曾供职于区人民政府和区国税局。 2016年退休后专门从事书法、文学创作及书法与写作培训。</h3><div> 作品收藏或订制热线【非诚勿扰】:13820394828</div> <h3>Geng Zongxing, the word "Hao Zhang", "Zhai" the inion Xing Xing Zhai. Member of Tianjin Calligrapher Association, member of Tianjin Writers Association and member of Tianjin collectors association. At the age of twelve, he began to learn calligraphy. He participated in various calligraphy exhibitions in 80s and received more than thirty gold, silver and bronze medals. Among them, gold medal was awarded in the third painting and calligraphy exhibition in 2015. Works are collected by Australian, Korean and domestic collectors. From 1979 to the people's daily, the PLA newspaper, the Chinese Youth Daily, the Central People's radio station and other newspapers and periodicals published more than a thousand pieces of news and literary works, and have won many awards. The collection of ancient works of art began in the middle of the 90s. Collect thousands of ancient coins, such as porcelain, jade, and jade. Once served in the District People's government and the District National Taxation Bureau. After retirement in 2016, he specialized in calligraphy, literature creation, calligraphy and writing training.</h3><div>Collection or customization hotline: if you are the one: 13820394828</div> <h3>有需要订制书法作品,请电话预约13601318209【北京】</h3>