

<h3> History, Memory and Reality</h3><h3> 鲁迅文学院2017级MBA作家班苏宁 2018,4,16</h3><h3> Suning MBA Writers Class 2017 Lu Xun Academy of Literature </h3><h3> 汉译英:黄少政 translated by Huang Shaozheng</h3><h3> (2016年4月16日鲁迅文学院国际写作计划第一次研讨会发言)</h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3> 我祖父母活着的话不过110岁,他们的名字我向女儿说过,但我知道她不会记很久。一个人对没见过的人,没经过的事建立自己的印象和观念是很难的。</h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3> Suppose my grandparents were still living to 110 years old? I have told my daughter their names and I bet they would not stay long in her memory, even if she makes an effort to do so. How could one remember anybody he has never caught sight of? The same case is with ideas or ideals one has not well examined or lived for.</h3><h3> </h3><h3>依托在地域性之上的历史、记忆与现实,这些词的指向很多时候是"物"的,物在很多时候,是精神的宿主。 人类的精神有着很多同质的部分。靠这些同质的部分,比如对爱的理解和完成,对文明与自由的向往,对科技的探索之心,我们建立起对彼此的尊重。</h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3>History, Memory and Reality-these are big words affiliated and associated with a specific locale on earth where they spring up and of necessity are geographically and historically rooted. As a rule, matter presides over spirit.</h3><h3> The human spirit comprises a host of elements ,more homogeneous than heterogeneous, a primary reason that a certain extent of mutual understanding between us, love among humans, thirst and yearning for civility and freedom, and the exploration of science and technology has been an established fact and we do retain due respect for each other, don’t we?</h3><h3> </h3><h3> 今天,我把这个精神同质的核心冠为"正义对万物与时间的引领,或者是集结",从这一点上出发,不同地域、历史时间的人会对文学二字做出哪些发问:</h3><h3>For want of a better term, we might safely posit the prevalence of a common denominator at the core of human civilization, ie, justice at the forefront of all things and time, or in the vanguard of human progress."This being taken granted, it follows people inhabiting different parts and regions will pose ,more or less, the same set of questions with regard to literature:</h3><h3> </h3><h3>1-写作是对世事的单纯复印?还是表达一个意识倾向?责任感与活力?</h3><h3>2-文学批评,没创见的赏评和过度解析,以及对旧有理论的套用。与大众读者人为设置出距离。在我看来,这很误导他人——如果这个"他人"无成熟的审辨力,又迷信学术权利。 </h3><h3>1.Writing is a mere copying of the world? Or as a conduit of revealing a trend ,a tendency? Or a well spring of civic duty or vigor?</h3><h3>2.The dismal state of present-day literary criticism becomes the butt of public scorn, infested with too much hack work, mediocre review, over wrought analysis without reality, itself a new Academicism. Enough is enough that too many intellectually exhausted critics sit in judgment for originality and genius which alienate and mislead readers increasingly, especially when the targeted readership, not in the matured frame of mind to take it, worships at the established pecking order of literature slavishly.</h3> <h3>现当代文学研究中,有些批评禁不起推敲,无论那批评多么复杂幽微。对作品产生有洞见意义引领的批评太少。</h3><h3>Contemporary criticism is indeed in a bad way. &quot;Our civilization comprehends great variety and complexity ,and this variety and complexity, playing upon a refined sensibility, must produce various and complex results.&quot; Where do we get the refined sensibility without which various and complex results is merely vanity, a pipe dream? We do expect reviews that help renovate poetry and redirect criticism to fundamentals, notably to a searching and insightful rereading of the given poet or writer.</h3><h3> </h3><h3>3-枯燥、猥琐,未经反思的情绪类文学作品,于读者是否是&quot;正义&quot;。 </h3><h3> 4-首先对写作难度缺乏追求,对自身写作的局限性没有认识。</h3><h3>5-文学创作是否会终结于它的不&quot;正义&quot;。 </h3><h3>3.One writing ethic must be emphasized to the effect any poet and novelist must subscribe before churning out work that is boring, insipid, banal, or charged with too much emotionalism in which the mind latches on to too many seemingly unrelated egoistic observations- this ethical basis I call the justice of literature. Administer it at a discretion! I say this loudly to myself and I hope it pays to every poet who takes it as motto.</h3><h3>4. Failed writing indicates s sloppy pursuit of literature as a serious undertaking on the part of a poet as well an un-judicial, underestimated view of his own shortcomings , personal and technical.</h3><h3>5. An inevitable corollary of &quot;literary justice&quot; is its opposite-a poet’s injustice will prove to be his own undoing if he goes on producing work that is insipid ,banal and each of us must , as practicing poet or novelist, work out in his relation to his reading of older and contemporary literature what he needs to hold and admire.</h3><h3> </h3><h3>当下,&quot;文学&quot;能给我们的,已经很少,很稀薄。它不再是我们精神需求中的无可替代。不是精神意志中有&quot;唯一性&quot;的存在。而且,文学作为一种精神生活的意义来源在被动减弱。 </h3><h3>At the moment, "Literature" gives us very little and nourishes human souls rarely. It is no longer an irreplaceable part of our spiritual needs, as it used to be. It looks like literature as a meaning giving source of modern life drastically dwindles and wanes.</h3><h3>Urbanization ,crass capitalism and gross materialism dominate modern life and has almost submerged the spiritual space traditionally reserved for poetic reading and literary appreciation . Such strain tells on human spirit, furthered weakened and drained to the extent that our literature has also been without source, soul and vitality.</h3><h3> </h3><h3>商业社会的喧嚣和城市化进程改变了生活方式,精神空间被过分侵占,程式化生活也带来精神的萎顿,我们的文学也在失去来源、变得没有根基。也就是说,写作生活内在发生的溃散,波及到外部,一是时代生活中,个人的精神趣味减损,二是时代的价值观多元。</h3><h3>That is to say, writing ulcerates until it bursts the dam of higher culture that is the real definition of what it means to be a human. Literary decay goes hand in hand with lack of conscious cultivation of refined sensitivity and an insistence on order and discipline rather than on mere self- expression in art especially in our age of internet where sound and fury prevails upon originality and genius, where eccentricity and rampant individualism is the order of the day.</h3> <h3>从我的阅读经验看,好作品是有清晰的时间性和地域性的。当我们把这个作品,放到另一个时间里、地域里,它个体的识别标识是无比清晰的,你无法减弱它的光芒。它放在任何一个时间、地域,都是合适的,它里面有共通的人性,有世事的各种温度。</h3><h3>My reading experience inclines me to the belief that a piece of good writing is associated a time in history , and a favored spot in space. Proof of its goodness lies in its ability to be unmistakably identified when people take it up and thumb it through only to be intoxicated anew: so much light and color still shoot through it. There is such intense breath of life that takes us away from the conventional and commonplace.</h3><h3> </h3><h3>写作是一个可以自设各种限度的心理过程。这个心理过程和他的写作才华和观世能力构成了一个作品底色品质。 </h3><h3> Writing is a career to be policed by the rich literary heritage of mankind from within and we must accept matter-of-factly our association , and occasionally our debt to at least the select group of figures accountable in the making of our literary talent and skill in particular. </h3><h3> </h3><h3>落实到具体生活中的全球化,如果把自己全部敞开,任各种事情进入,往好说是经历生活历练,往下说则是自己被无限切割———面对这个被切割后的自己,有没有复原的能力. </h3><h3> Globalization indeed has many pitfalls .Open up yourself and embrace anything that seems to be your share, you may make a strong case of a steep learning curve, yet ,since your mind ,unstoppably wide ranging, may tend to be entangled and dissipate itself in too many futile outlets and unrealized, fragmentary projects.</h3><h3>To conclude, I hope this much I am talking sounds to you merely random thoughts on a possible scenario of sociology of poetry rather than accurate deion of what is really being written in the name of literature.</h3><h3> </h3> <h3>  </h3><h3>文学的地域性—历史、记忆与现实</h3><h3>中外作家交流研讨会</h3><h3> </h3><h3>议</h3><h3> </h3><h3>程</h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3>鲁迅文学院 中国社会科学院外文所</h3><h3> </h3><h3>2018.4.16</h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3>时 间:2018年4月16日9:30—12:30</h3><h3>地 点:中国社科院外文所(建国门)科研大楼11层1131会议室</h3><h3>主持人:邱华栋 高兴</h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3>中方出席嘉宾</h3><h3> </h3><h3>吉狄马加 中国作家协会副主席、著名诗人</h3><h3>陈众议 中国社会科学院外国文学研究所所长、学者</h3><h3>邱华栋 鲁迅文学院常务副院长、著名作家</h3><h3>程 巍 中国社会科学院外国文学所副所长、学者</h3><h3>树 才 诗人、翻译家</h3><h3>苏 玲 《外国文学动态研究》主编、俄罗斯文学专家</h3><h3>高 兴 《世界文学》主编</h3><h3>余泽民 匈牙利文学专家、翻译家、小说家</h3><h3>黄少政 英美文学翻译家、学者</h3><h3>夏 露 北京大学教授、越南文学专家</h3><h3>赵兴红 鲁迅文学院培训部副主任、评论家</h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3>外方出席嘉宾</h3><h3> </h3><h3>芭芭拉·保加可尼克(Barbara Pogačnik):(斯诺文尼亚)女,诗人、翻译家、文学评论家</h3><h3>大卫·扎布兰斯基(David Zábranský):(捷克)小说家</h3><h3>多米尼克·欧塔维(Dominique•Ottavi):(法国)诗人、小说家</h3><h3>弗朗索瓦斯·罗伊(Francoise Roy):(加拿大)女,诗人、翻译家</h3><h3>福劳德·欧尔森(Frode Z. Olsen):(丹麦)小说家、高级警务官员</h3><h3>金泰成(Kim Tae-Sung):(韩国):学者、翻译家</h3><h3>罗伯特·艾多(Roberto Aedo):(智利)诗人、学者</h3><h3>雪莲(Fiori Picco):(意大利)女,汉学家、翻译家、小说家</h3><h3>周光胜(Chu Quang Thang):(越南)小说家、编剧、导演</h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3> </h3><h3>鲁院北师大联办研究生班作家</h3><h3> </h3><h3>陈崇正 小说家,《花城》编辑部副主任</h3><h3>林 森 小说家,《天涯》杂志副主编</h3><h3>苏 宁 作家</h3><h3>朱山坡 小说家,广西作协专职副主席</h3>