岁月如歌,芳华隽永Life is like a song, staying young, beautiful and meaningful.


<h1><font color="#010101"><b>Life is like a song,&nbsp;staying young,&nbsp;beautiful and meaningful.<br></b><b>2018年4月7号,一个风和日丽的日子,我和US摄影团队的摄友们走进了建矿六十周年的原七一二矿。<br></b><b>On April 7th,2018, in the gentle breeze and warm sunshine,my friends&nbsp;and I from US Shooting&nbsp;Group visited&nbsp;Mine 712,&nbsp;which has a history of 60 years.<br></b><b>为纪念为了我们国家安宁,为我国第一颗原子弹提供铀矿的神秘王国(712矿)的敬佩,我们US团队模仿拍摄一组(芳华)以唤起大家对712矿的回忆。<br></b><b>To&nbsp;commemorate those who contributed to our country’s long-term stability and express our admiration for Mine 712, the mysterious kingdom which provided uranium for China’s first atomic bomb, we took a series of photos, imitating the shooting style of Fanghua,a famous film directed by Feng Xiaogang.<br></b><b>去年我拍摄过一组探望神秘的(衡阳市20号信箱),而今很多场景不再现,<br></b><b>Last year, I&nbsp;took the pictures of&nbsp;Mailbox 20 of&nbsp;Hengyang&nbsp;City. However, so much has changed at present.<br></b><b>2003年,712矿正式破产。十五年的光景,生活区和各工区都成危房被拆除了。<br></b><b>The bankruptcy of Mine 712 was formally announced in 2003. The living area and working area, which&nbsp;seemed to be dangerous buildings, have been demolished&nbsp;in the past fifteen years.<br></b><b>712矿没有了昔日热闹的人气,神秘色彩褪去,繁华不再有。<br></b><b>Mine 712 is no longer mysterious and prosperous,with&nbsp;people’s departure and things’&nbsp;disappearance.<br></b><b>但是,当年七一二矿为国家所作的牺牲和贡献是我们不能忘记的。</b></font></h1> <h1><b>小雨洗刷后的矿部大楼(2017年拍摄)</b><b><br></b><b>The rain-washed office building ( shot in 2017) </b></h1> <h1><b>唯一的315商店那时是人员最集中的地方,每个七一二人都去过的物资供应点。The most concentrated place is Store 315, the only shop of Mine 712.Every 712 resident once visited this material supply center.</b></h1> <h1><b>US拍摄团队在原礼堂前集结。我们向七一二矿致敬!<br></b><b>US&nbsp;Shooting&nbsp;Group&nbsp;gathered in front of the old auditorium to pay their tribute to Mine 712.</b></h1> <h1><b>让七一二矿的气息嵌入脑海!<br></b><b>The atmosphere of Mine 712 spun in our minds.</b></h1> <h1><b>挥洒心底至真至善的爱意吧,或许这情、这景、与废弃的七一二矿俱乐部亲密接触,就让我们演绎出岁月如歌,芳华隽永只可意会的寓言吧!<br></b><b>Let us release our pure goodwill from the bottom of our heart. Approaching&nbsp;the scenery&nbsp;and &nbsp;the abandoned mine club,our passion arose from our heart!Our&nbsp;emotions are expressed in perfect harmony. Let us make our life&nbsp;shine&nbsp;like a beautiful song and a gorgeous fable!</b></h1> <h1><b>用七一二矿负重前行换我们国泰民安,岁月静好,不忘初心,不负芳华<br></b><b>We should never forget what Mine 712 has brought us: peaceful country and secure life.</b></h1> <h1><b>一代人的青春已逝,无论未来有多好,或者多坏,流走的年华都不会再回来。唯有缅怀。<br></b><b>The youth of a generation has gone. No matter how bright or dark the future will be,the lost&nbsp;years won’t&nbsp;come back.&nbsp;The only thing we can do is to keep it in our memory.<br></b><b>趁着还来得,而对于那些仍然年轻着的人们,请珍惜自己的年轻吧因为它很快就会过去,无论如何。<br></b><b>It is not too late now, young man. Please cherish your youth.&nbsp;After all, it is so transitory.</b></h1> <h1><b>岁月静好,时光始终以仁慈的脸平等地对待我们每个人。而我们只要心怀感恩,努力向上地生活,好好地珍惜身边所有值得珍惜的人,这样,就已经够了。<br></b><b>Life is safe and sound. Time is equal and kind to everyone. We should be grateful and lead a positive life, treasuring the people around us who&nbsp;are worth cherishing. This&nbsp;is enough.</b></h1> <h1><b>一山一水,一树一木,一花一叶,都是流年里温馨的点缀,都是流金岁月里值得珍藏的馈赠。<br></b><b>Every hill and stream and,every&nbsp;flower and leave&nbsp;is fancy ornaments to our lives, all of which are treasures we should keep in mind.<br></b><b>以最真的情怀,站成最美的守候;以最淡的心,守一生最惬意的情。<br></b><b>Let us protect it with genuine feelings, and guard our emotions with pure heart.</b></h1> <h1><b>你的指尖划出令人痴迷的弧度,旋转在寂寞的边缘,仿佛全世界都投入到韵律中。<br></b><b>The attractive curve drawn by your fingertip spins on the edge of loneliness, with the world involved in the rhythm.</b></h1> <h1><b>回味如风的往事,笑叹轻舞芳华,聚万千思绪于一身,等喧嚣沉寂之后,再邀一方清风醉于笔尖,挥洒出一段如梦似幻的经历,将回忆搁浅在停顿的瞬间,独守这份缱绻的柔情。I am absorbed in meditation when recalling the past with a sigh for youth.Let me keep a record of the dream experience of Mine 712 using my words and photos.The memory paused at a point when we are full of tender feelings.</b></h1> <h1><b>思念是永恒的主题,祝福是不变的牵挂,愿天南地北的七一二人幸福安康。<br></b><b>Missing is an eternal theme, and blessing is our&nbsp;constant concern. Wish those&nbsp;people once belonging&nbsp;to Mine 712 happy and secure.</b></h1> <h3>青春是什么 激烈燃烧的火</h3><h3>What is youth? Passion and fire!<br>少女是什么 冰霜和欲望<br>What is a maiden? Ice and desire!<br>年华终将老去<br>Youth will definitely pass away.<br>玫瑰盛开<br>A rose will bloom. <br>然后凋萎<br>It will then fade. <br>青春也是<br>So does youth.<br>最美的少女亦复如此<br>So does the fairest maid.</h3> <h1><b>我们团结,执着的US摄影团队和美女演员们合影<br></b><b>The perseverant and united US Shooting Group photographers and beautiful actresses</b></h1> <h1><b>在我们拍摄接近尾声时,一行人来到了矿部旧址,他们有来至石家庄,深圳等地的矿二代矿三代,都在回忆过去儿时的场景,念着过去繁华的七一二矿。<br></b><b>Finally,a group of people came to visit the old site of the office building of Mine 712,most of whom are the second or third generations from cities like Shijiazhuang and Shenzhen.They came here to recall their childhood and the once prosperous mine.</b></h1> <h1><b>总策划:套个</b></h1><h1><b>出镜:王大可,向莎翁致敬,刘欧巴,艺术人生,sober,你要吃饼干吗</b></h1><h1><b>摄影:王新照</b></h1><h1><b>英文翻译:薇薇 校对:静待花开</b></h1><h1><b>同行摄友:花个,大山,东八区,西门显真,背影,江南,冰洋,飞絮,简单美,青葱</b></h1><h1><b>拍摄地点:原712矿旧址 </b></h1><h1><b>2018年4月7日</b></h1>