

<h3>  2018年4月8日下午,在渭城区第一初级中学刘娟工作室举办了新的一轮赛教磨课活动。本次活动由刘娟、殷瑜、曹淑娟三室联动,为2018年准备参加教学能手比赛的选手们又一次提供了展示和打磨的平台。参加本次磨课的老师共5位,分别是来自风轮中学的杨文娟老师、来自陕科大的吴蓉老师、来自彩虹中学的郝莹老师、来自乾县王村镇初级中学的张敏老师和来自渭城第一初级中学的王建敏老师。</h3><div> On the afternoon of April 8th, 2018, another round of pre-competition teaching practice was held at NO. 1 Middle School in Weicheng District. Three workshops, Liu Juan’s, Yin Yu’s and Cao Shujuan’s, worked together to offer one more chance to the well-prepared teachers. Five teachers, Yang Wenjuan(Fenglun High School),Wu Rong(Qianghua Xianyang Attached to Shaanxi University of Science&amp;Technology), HaoYing(Xianyang Caihong Middle School),ZhangMin (Wang Village Middle School in Qian County), Wang Jianmin(No.1 Middle School in Weicheng District) showed their lessons.</div> <h3>  杨文娟老师教态大方,板书字体美观,在教学设计上有了很大的突破。但是在一读时用时稍长,所以给后面的活动留下的时间就不充分了。</h3><div> It was the good teaching posture and beautiful writing of Ms Yang’s that impressed us most. It was really a pity that she didn’t arrange the time well while guiding the students to do fast reading, which made it almost impossible to complete the rest parts of the class.</div> <h3>  吴蓉老师的教学基本功扎实,口语流利,教学富有激情,组织安排学生活动井井有条,如果减少些课容量,课堂就会更加成功。</h3><div> Ms. Wu has solid basic teaching skills. What made her class unforgettable was her fluent oral English, passionate teaching styles and well-organized classroom activities. If she could cut down the class capacity, her class would be more successful.</div> <h3>  郝莹老师的课堂在板书设计具有思想性、简笔画的使用使课堂生动活泼,激励性的语言让学生感受到英语学习的乐趣。只是在课堂内涵上还要再下功夫。</h3><div> The thoughtful blackboard design and vivid stick figures made Ms. Hao’s lesson outstanding. The students were interested in her class and had great confidence in finishing all the tasks successfully because of the encouragement words. However, she should try to make her class more thoughtful and meaningful in the future.</div> <h3>  张敏老师使用图片导课,拉近了老师和学生的距离。如果简笔画再精致些,课堂设计再合理些,课堂会更加出彩。</h3><div> Ms. Zhang led her class with some beautiful pictures, which made the relationship between the students and her more relaxing. The more hard work she puts on stick figures and teaching plans, the better class she’ll perform.</div> <h3>  教学经验相当丰富的王建敏老师,为我们展示了一趟新颖别致的课堂。她动听的口语,巧妙的教学设计,创新的板书设计让我们入浴春风,受益颇深。</h3><div> The experienced teacher, Ms. Wang , showed a unique class to us. Her beautiful oral English, wonderful teaching plan and creative blackboard design brought us great enjoyment.</div> <h3>  几位老师都可以用纯英文流利的进行说课,但是在时间把控和说课的逻辑性上还要高度重视。</h3><div> All of the teachers can make the interpretation fluently in English, but they have to pay more attention to the time arrangement and the logic of the interpretation itself.</div> <h3><font color="#010101">  导师刘娟的点评精准到位。她鼓励大家学习使用简笔画。她再三强调板书设计的思想性、知识性和艺术性。同时,她还指出要让我们的教学设计贴近社会,贴近生活。 </font></h3><h3><font color="#010101"> The guide teacher, Ms. Liu, whose comments are precise and accurate, strongly encouraged us to learn and use the stick figures in our teaching. She emphasized the necessity of making the blackboard thoughtful, informative and artistic. Meantime, she also told us that we should try our best to combine the teaching plans with the hot social topics.</font></h3> <h3>  导师殷瑜针对课堂问题给出了中肯的意见和建议。老师在教学活动设计上应尽可能简单,设计问题不宜多,要让学生听得懂,好回答。同时,她建议老师应采取多种方式让课堂生动起来,让学生动起来。</h3><div> The guide teacher Yin Yu shared her instructive opinions and sincere advice about these lessons. She told the teachers to simplify the classroom activities and not to ask too many questions. The questions should be easily understood and answered. She also suggested using effective ways to organize the class and encouraging students to behave actively in class.</div> <h3>  导师曹淑娟鼓励大家在认真备赛的同时也要对自己充满自信。她讲到: “未来的你会感谢现在奋斗的你。”</h3><div> The guide teacher Ms. Cao told all the participants the importance of preparation and self-confidence. She said, “You will be thankful for the hard work you pay today.” </div> <h3>  对于每一个参赛者都应有这样的信念:“于山,吾登之;于届,吾越之;于难,吾克之;于机,吾捕之。”你若出众,奇迹可成!</h3><div> All the participants should hold this belief, “If there’s a mountain, we climb it; if there’s a frontier, we cross it; if there’s a challenge, we tame it; if there’s an opportunity, we seize it.” Sometimes the impossible can become possible if you’re awesome!</div>









