<h3>2018年4月4日上午第三节课,英语组王剑虹老师在八年级12班上了一堂思路清晰,环节完整的研究课。</h3> <h1>Review main structure(回顾重点):</h1><h3>Could you please do sth?</h3><h3>Could I do sth?</h3> <h1>Lead in(导入):</h1><h3>Imagine you or your mother wants to have a big party this week.What kind of things will you prepare?(假设本周你或者你的妈妈将会有一次聚会,你将准备那些东西?)</h3> <h3>Complete the task of 1a.(完成1a的任务)</h3> <h1>pairwork:</h1><h3>Two students is a group. One student roles a parent, and the other roles a child, then make a conversation and show performance.(两人一组,一个扮演父母,另一个扮演孩子,做对话并表演对话)</h3> <h1>listening(听一听)</h1><h3>During listening, teacher guides students to find mian words and phrases.(听的过程中,老师引导学生捕捉关键词)</h3> <h3>Ms.Wang guides students to complete the task of 1c and 1d .(王老师引导学生完成1c和1d的任务)</h3> <h1>Groupwork:situational dialogue(情景对话)</h1><h1>Five or six students is a group, one student will have a birthday party, so he needs his classmates to help him. He will make polite requests and classmstes answer his questions.(五人或六人一组,其中一个学生将进行一次聚会,他需要同学的帮助,礼貌地向同学们提出请求)</h1> <h3>Self check(自我检测)</h3><div>Students finish the task of guide case by themselves,then Ms. Wang checks students' answers.(学生当堂完成导学案上的练习,然后王老师细心检查完成情况)</div> <h3>Teachers of the English teaching group listen to the class seriously.(英语教研组的老师们认真听课)</h3> <h3>下午第一节课英语教研组全体教师对王剑虹老师的研究课进行点评:</h3><h3>优点:1.课堂准备充分,课堂教学连贯紧凑,容量密度适中。2.教师基本功扎实,突出学生的主体作用,学生积极性高。</h3><h3>建议:教学过程中,及时纠正学生的语调错误,应鼓励学生向李阳学习,大声讲英语。</h3>