<h3><b>这是一群亲身经历并参与和推动了中国时尚演变的人群。见证了祖国从黑白灰到今天绚丽多彩的发展过程。走过了37年的舞台生涯,如今辣叔们再次聚集向时尚致敬!!!</b></h3> <h3> The Modern Elements as known as called "MR. CHINA" is a team formed by the first generation of Chinese professional male models. They have been very active in Chinese fashion market since MR. Pierre Cardin brought the concept of design, colour, fashion into China three decades ago. The team of "MR. CHINA" grew up from youth to maturity with the Chinese fashion field, people call them "For ever young gentlemen". Because of their knowledge and experience of fashion, the team of "MR. CHINA" has becom the hottest model team chosen by many global fashion brands and firm companies to perform their commercials and promote new products.</h3><div>The team of "MR.CHINA" has a great history and an even bright future.</div> <h1><b>中国第一代模特,平均年龄58岁的8个辣叔</b></h1> <h1><b>他们始终追求着时尚键康快乐的生活方式。</b></h1> <h1><b>爱好军装收藏的他们,再次走到一起,感受男人的那份英雄情怀和享受37年的兄弟情谊。</b></h1> <h1><b>如今祖国各地再次留下【一代辣叔】们帅气的身影。所到之处惊呼声不断,这是一群中国先生,是正能量的时尚辣叔。</b></h1>