<h3>一点背景:</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>双鱼座的小同学,敏感而多思,时不时地冒出些感悟,有时候咂么咂么颇有些许鸡汤的味道!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>爱思考,这点儿随我,HIN好👏👏👏。</h3> <h3>孩子的成长,就是父母的自我成长与修行。</h3><h3>而孩子写作业,就是对父母的修行最好的检验!💆💆💆</h3><h3>对不对?对不对?对不?对!</h3> <h3>老实讲,在加拿大弄点作业挺心虚的,属于师出无名,要多理亏有多理亏,所以小同学可谓时常口诛之,笔伐之!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>二年级时,小小的人,才来加拿大一年多,仍旧少年不知愁滋味的年纪,就对作业有了隐隐的不快继而引发的人生的思考也初露端倪,有诗为证(姑且叫诗吧)。</h3><div><br></div><h3>Sunday and Stuff, B.J</h3><div><br></div><div>Monday to Sunday full of work and play.</div><div>But the Sunday is the best better than the rest.</div><div>I don’t really know but everyday I have to go.</div><div>Through our door and try to be mature.</div><div><br></div><div>字里行间,既有玩的乐趣, 学的无奈,又有成长的被动与接纳。</div><div><br></div><h3>(注:妈妈把写作业的优良传统带到了加拿大,小同学躲过了学校作业,却没能逃脱妈妈的“魔掌”。但是哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗,小同学以圣经中“上帝吩咐人们周日停止工作”为依据,跟我进行有理有据有节的谈判,为自己争得了周日一天的无干扰玩耍时间。)</h3> 不得不说,写作业这事儿,就像温水煮青蛙,只要坚持就会习惯!<div><br></div><div>小青蛙🐸于是在不断加码的作业碾压下,反抗中妥协,妥协中寻找机会反抗。<div><br></div><h3>时光流转,到了三年级暑假!无意发现一文,窥到了小同学一次甚为绝望的无声反抗,以及又一次对人生的妥协😑😑😑。好尴尬啊!</h3></div> <p>SEE, SEE, SEE,有多无助?“I fell like I am in a prison of despire.” 像坐牢!</p><p><br></p><p>有多纠结?我要自由,我要玩!!!“the only way to get out is to finish my homework for that is the key to the dreadful prison which kept me away from my desire.” 可是,但可是,可但是,又清醒地知道不写完不能玩啊!真是难为小同学了!</p><p><br></p><p>有多绝望?“I feel it, every second of the minute of the hour of the day of the week of the year of my life.” 分分秒秒,岁岁年年,此生无绝期!</p><p><br></p><p>人生啊!</p><p><br></p><p>我,就是片叶子,生活,有作业的生活,就是那风,叶子欲静而风不止,悲哀?“I am like a leaf and my life is the wind, for that is my reason to exist.” 不,这就是生活,这就是我存在的意义!这汤够不够鲜?!</p> <h3>还得说,写作业这事儿上,是不存在你浓我浓的亲子关系的,孩子和家长确切的讲是一对天敌,对,就是天敌。长期你捉我逃的动态中找平衡、促发展。</h3> <h3>日复一日,量变必然带来质变,但前提是坚持,年复一年!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>转眼五年级,小同学已经是个非常训练有素的写作业er了。虽然也是抱怨,虽然也是抵触,虽然也是能拖就拖,但她非常清楚,限期之前一定要完成,逃不过,躲不掉。自己的事情自己得惦记,自己的任务也得自己扛!所以一旦坐到桌前,就能定时定量地完成作业。这,已经算是重大进步了!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>于是再看她的关乎作业的文字,就大不同,内心仍旧不免挣扎,但也让人看到了责任和担当!</h3> <h3>My Schoolwork, B. J<br></h3><div><br></div><div>One Monday night, I finished all my homework and was twisting and turning under the pleasant, wrinkled sheets of my mom’s bed, trying unsuccessfully to sleep. Since I was bored, I just thought about what I was going to do at school the next day. Suddenly, my hand flew up from my side and I smacked my rough, dry forehead with a sound like a hand smashing into a table, I still had incomplete homework!</div><div><br></div><div> “Maybe I should just do it the next day,” “Great, now I have to think of another idea.” I muttered.</div><div><br></div><div> “Maybe I’ll just ask my mom.” I thought. However, I couldn’t think of a way to propose her help without letting her know that I completely forgot about my homework; if she knew, she would scold me until I fell asleep from boredom. But if I don’t do my homework, my teacher would write my name on the whiteboard for everyone to observe, and I will get extra homework!</div><div><br></div><div>After I collected my thoughts, I had a plan. My plan was to do my schoolwork tomorrow morning. “Yes, that is a wonderful plan,” I thought. “But wait, I don’t have time in the morning for this homework unless I want to be late for school for the tenth time in a row, which will be incredibly humiliating for me. Also, I might forget, so the teacher would make me tell her why I didn’t do it, and she doesn’t take “I forgot” for an answer,” I grumbled to myself.</div><div><br></div><div>When all my other plans had failed, I just thought to be honest and tell my mom. “Mom, I have to do my school homework because I forgot to earlier!” I exclaimed in an urgent, medium-pitched voice.</div><div><br></div><div> “Really Bella, you have to remember, see, this is what I told you about timing. Every Monday, you always start late and then stay up to 12:00. Your planning is absolutely horrible.” She murmured sleepily and was about to continue when I heaved myself drowsily out of bed and staggered out to grab my homework, efficiently cutting my mom off by shutting the door.</div><div><br></div><div>An hour later, I strode back into my mom’s bedroom and fell asleep almost instantly.</div><div><br></div><h3>“I am so glad that I finished my homework.” I thought, relieved that I had nothing to worry about when, suddenly, my teacher announced that the homework was for Friday! However, from the events of the previous night, I learned that I should always haul my schoolwork into my room so that I will never forget about it.</h3> <h3>回过头,再看这句,I am like a leaf and my life is the wind, for that is my reason to exist. 我想说,小同学,与其等风来,不如追风而去!恭喜,你已然在路上!</h3>