2016年4月6日: 我今天特别高兴,因为身边都围绕着爱我的人,和我一起庆祝我的听觉生日。7天前,我的耳蜗开机了,我进入了一个有声音的世界。
2016-4-6: Today is a very special day for me, surrounded by everyone who loves me coming together to celebrate my hearing birthday, as I stepped into a world with sounds 7 days ago when my implanted cochlea was turned on. 妈妈,您别哭。我也好想念您们。谢谢您们在新希望福利院把我当着自己孩子一般细心疼爱,照顾。
Don't cry, mummy. I miss you all too. Thank you for loving me as one of your very own precious ones at New Hope. 我在康复中心过得很好,有全妈妈, 老师,姐姐哥哥们的精心培育,教我用刚得到的听觉去听,学习。很快的,我会明白对我说话的,也会用自己的话回复,期待着如一般孩子一样成长。
I'm doing very well here at the rehab centre under the care and guidance of Quan mummy, teachers and friends here. I'm learning to understand what I hear. Very soon, I'll be able to answer them with my own voice, my own words. Looking forward to growing up as a normal boy. 今天,给我新希望的都到在场给我庆祝,特别感恩:新希望Joyce妈妈和Robin爸爸的代表,爱❤️坊的爱❤️妈妈们,高爷爷,友谊医院龚医生的代表医生,也是现在给我调耳蜗的医生,全妈妈,老师和一起生活学习的哥哥姐姐们。
Today, everyone who has given me new hope for the future is here. Heartfelt gratitude to: New Hope's mummy Joyce and papa Robin (represented), Love for Orphans ❤️ mummies, Grandpa Gao, Friendship Hospital's Dr Gong (represented), Quan mummy, teachers and all my friends. 节目好精彩。陈老师主持,描述了我的幸运得到听觉的行程,帮我的爱❤️人演讲,朋友们的表演...
The program was brilliant and most touching. Teacher Chen shared my blessed journey, though sad at the beginning, but thankful for being given the sense of hearing. Followed by speeches by all who had helped and are helping me, and performances by my friends ... 演讲和表演都非常感人,感动了观众...
Very moving and memorable speeches and performances, touching the audience ... ... 还有爱❤️妈妈特地为我们准备的好多好吃的,主食甜品都是自制的。还有好多水果,零食,足够我们吃好久。
... and all the delicious food specially prepared by loving mums from Love for Orphans. Main courses and desserts were all homemade, overwhelming contributions of fruits and snacks were enough to feed us for a long while. 食物又丰富,又好吃...
Food was plentiful and delicious... 感谢爱❤️坊爱❤️妈妈.
Thank you, mums. 我真幸福,感恩爱❤️的大家庭。
I am truly blessed, deeply appreciate this loving big family. 谢谢大家的爱,我会珍惜,听话,好好学习,长大后一定做个有爱心的人,回报社会,回报大家给我的新生活。
I will always cherish the love from everyone. I will be a good boy, a diligent student, grow up to be a loving person, payback to society, to all who had given me a new lease of life.