<h3>美食篇</h3> <h3>星期一</h3> <h3>星期二</h3> <h3>星期三</h3> <h3>星期四</h3> <h3>星期五</h3> <h3> 区域活动</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Free time:This week we all had plenty of fun in our free time. We read stories by ourselves and with the teachers, and even got creative and drew some impressive pictures. We made our very own hammers to work as a team and hit things into place and used the colourful tubes to make something new and exciting .</h3><h3>区域活动时间:这周我们都在区域活动时间里玩得很开心。我们和老师一起读故事;甚至有创意,画了一些令人印象深刻的图画。我们用玩具制作了自己喜欢的锤子,用五颜六色的拼插玩具来创作更多的有创意的玩具!</h3> <h3> 教育活动</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Chinese class:</h3><h3>International Women’s Day fell this week so to celebrate the important women in our lives we made special gifts for our mothers. In Chinese class this week we were also read a story about a frog with a very big mouth! We also learnt the numbers 1 to 5. We learnt so much in Chinese class this week!</h3><h3> 中文课:新学期的第一个星期,为了庆祝我们生命中的最重要女性—妈妈,为妈妈们制作了特别的礼物,祝妈妈女神节快乐,永远年轻漂亮。我们还学习了《大嘴蛙》的故事,和数字1到5的点数!</h3> <h3>English class:</h3><h3>This week in English class we learnt a variety of English words and numbers. We learnt the numbers 1 and 2 and the English words Ant, Apple and Red. We were read a very exciting story by teacher called David goes to School , Also this week we sang our new favourite song Baby Shark and played a great game to practice the new words and numbers we had learnt.</h3><h3>英语课:这周我们在英语课上学到了各种各样的英语单词和数字。我们学习了数字1和2以及英语单词Ant、Apple和Red。老师给我们读了一个非常有趣的故事,名叫"大卫去学校",这周,我们还唱了我们最喜欢的歌曲"小鲨鱼",并玩了一场精彩的比赛,复习了我们学到的新单词和数字。</h3> <h3> 户外运动</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Outdoors:</h3><h3>At the start of the week we watched our National flag be raised in the raising ceremony and sang our national anthem. We all had a fantastic time playing with the multicoloured parachute, teacher Jason even put a selection of balls on the parachute and we tried our best to shake very fast so they would all fly off! It was very exciting! This week we also warmed our bodies up outside by dancing to our favourite songs. We danced to the music with and without pom poms.</h3><h3>户外活动:新学期开始了,星期一我们很开心参加了升旗仪式,并唱了国歌。在这个星期我们不但跟着Jason老师参与了户外体能活动,玩了彩虹伞游戏,还跳了我们熟悉的舞蹈,玩了很多好玩的器械!✌️</h3> <h3> 特色课程</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Ballet class:</h3><h3>In ballet class this week we worked on our pliés and how to bend and straighten our legs correctly. We also practiced one of our favourite routines with the teacher and had a great time. We held our tutu skirts correctly and paid very close attention, looking every bit the beautiful ballerina!</h3><h3>芭蕾课:在本周的芭蕾舞课上,我们练习了一些芭蕾舞的基本动作,孩子们对芭蕾舞有一个初步的认识!还体验了压腿,和简单的舞蹈!</h3> <h3>Swimming class:</h3><h3>We all had a great time in swimming class this week. We swam with the teachers in a circle, on our fronts and on our backs. We also lay on, rang across and even crawled through the foam mats, all on top of the water! It was great fun!</h3><h3>游泳课:本周我们在游泳课上玩得很开心,在老师的带领下我们一起学习了一些游泳的基本技巧,仰泳,跳水还玩了几个小游戏,真的是太有趣了!</h3> <h3>Art class:</h3><h3>This week we had great fun in art class! We learnt all about jellyfish from Teacher Jason. We learnt about their different colours, their shape and how they move. Teacher Jason they showed us how to make a jellyfish by painting our hand and pressing it into the paper. We then made its head and the underwater scene by sticking down different shaped pieces of felt.</h3><h3>创意美术课:这周我们在创意美术课上玩得很开心!我们从Jason老师那里了解了水母,我们知道了水母生活在水里,而且知道了它有不同的颜色、形状。而且老师还教我们如何用手作画,把小手涂上颜料印在蓝色的卡纸上,然后,再用准备好的材料粘贴出水母的样子,小水母就诞生喽,好神奇的手工制作!</h3>