Sadness of the saint

<h3>   Abide With Me</h3><h3> libera</h3><h3>Abide With Me, fast falls the eventide</h3><h3> 愿你我同在,天边降暮霭。</h3><h3>The darkness deepens, Lord with me abide</h3><h3> 云色渐渐暗,主与我同在。</h3><h3>When other helpers fail and comforts flee</h3><h3> 没人来支持,没人来关怀。</h3><h3>Help of the helpless, O abide with me</h3><h3> 你帮助孤苦人,你给我爱。</h3><h3>Swift to its close ebbs out lifes little day</h3><h3> 潮起又潮落,岁月不等人。</h3><h3>Earths joys grow dim, its glories pass away</h3><h3> 欢乐已消退,光耀已不再。</h3><h3>Change and decay in all around I see</h3><h3> 世事变化快,眼见又感慨。</h3><h3>O Thou who changes not, abide with me</h3><h3> 你永远陪伴我,你给我爱。</h3><h3>I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless</h3><h3> 有你的赐福,我不怕伤害。</h3><h3>Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness</h3><h3> 我不怕痛苦,我不会流泪。</h3><h3>Where is deaths sting? Where grave thy victory?</h3><h3> 是悲壮舍身?是胜利归来?</h3><h3>I triumph still, if Thou abide with me</h3><h3> 我仍然会凯旋,你我同在。</h3><h3>Help of the helpless, O abide with me</h3><h3> 你帮助孤苦人,你给我的爱。</h3> <h3>策划/指导:蚊子<br /></h3><h3>出镜:阳儿</h3><h3>拍摄:信</h3><h3>同行:浪尖、风~倾听</h3> <h3>拍摄花絮:</h3>