

<h5>&nbsp;<br />上帝把故事隐藏在空白里,我用钢笔涂去空白的表面,去收获那故事里的风景,宛如园丁扫去地面上层层的秋叶,去寻找隐藏在落叶下的足印。<br /> &nbsp;<br />God's stories are hiding behind the blankness, I obliterate the surface of the blankness with my pen to harvest the sceneries in the story, just like a gardener, who sweeps away the thick autummn leaves on the ground to look for the footprints hidden below.<br /></h5><h3><br /></h3> <h5>大地的心思<br />长成了你茂密的枝叶<br />无心的风经过时<br />地球母亲便开始窃窃私语<br /> <br />The thoughts of earth<br />Grows into your branches and leaves;<br />When a naïve wind goes by,<br />Our planet mother will come to life with her whispers.<br /> </h5> <h5>生命上升的极限<br />绝望峭壁上安放的希望的巢<br />欲望之翼横扫苍天<br />搜索脚下渺小而脆弱的生命<br /> <br />静寂的荒漠之夜<br />天空清透 繁星点点<br />分享能量的时刻<br />在幸福地蔓延</h5><h5><br /></h5><h5>The height limit for life<br />A hope of nest on a hopeless cliff<br />The wing of hunger sweeping across the sky<br />Searching the small and fragile animals below<br /><br /></h5><h5>A silent desert night</h5><h5>With clear sky and twinkling stars above<br />The moment of sharing energy<br />Is spreading peace and happiness</h5> <h5>窗外的海水<br />一直流到银河<br />每个夜晚来临<br />远方的天地间<br />便传来星星的歌声<br /> <br />星星是云汉之滨的沙粒<br />棕榈树下面的沙粒也是<br />一颗颗星星<br />沙粒之中的微观文明啊<br />你们是否感应到,此时<br />我独居海滨 守望星辰<br /> <br />The sea water outside my&nbsp;cottage,</h5><h5>Is flowing endlessly to the Milky way;<br />When night comes,<br />Songs of stars across the remote horizon<br />Will always be wafted to my ear.<br /><br /></h5><h5>Stars are just the sands on galactic beach,</h5><h5>And the sands under my palm trees can also be stars,<br />The micro-civilization in the sands,<br />Can you feel me, a star-watcher<br />Sitting here and now by the sea?</h5> <h5>那弯锋利的冷月<br />划开部族的巢穴<br /> <br />河水里漂浮着远古的咆哮<br />冰川破裂 群山倾斜<br /> <br />梦中的草原依旧遥远<br />寒风中双眼如电 毛发如铁<br /> <br /> <br />The curvy moon cold and sharp<br />Staining with the blood of many tribes<br /> <br />Ancient roaring floats about the torrent water<br />Piercing glaciers and slanting the mountain peaks<br /> <br />The dreaming grassland still unreachable<br />Standing in cold wind with eyes as thunder and hair as iron <br /> </h5> <h5>鹭问蛙时蛙不知,<br />池塘水暖共此时。<br />莫道异类不相认,<br />追穷究远本同枝。<br /> <br />A bird talking to a frog who fails to know,<br />When the warm water in the pond does flow;<br />Do not make a line between different species,<br />Evolving from the same root that we all grow. <br /> </h5> <h5>一棵树对古楼的思念<br />源于一个月夜的传说<br />精灵从猫的眼睛里走出<br />把翅膀借给江心屿的月光<br />于是<br />前世的剧本在古楼里上演<br />今生却爬在树上向房子里张望<br /> <br />The yearning of a tree for an old building,<br />Originates from a moon-night story:<br />A spirit going out of cats eye<br />Lent its wings to the mid-isle moon light,<br />That puts Pastlife on the stage in the old building,<br />Into which this life on the tree is looking.<br /> </h5> <h5>月光冲破窗网,<br />这一刻 记忆锈迹斑斑;<br />地老天荒之后,<br />谁人在描摹<br />这枯木残梁?<br /> <br /></h5><h3><br /></h3><h5>Moonlight breaks through the net,</h5><h5>Playing with memories decayed into rust;<br />Who, behind the sands of time,<br />Is depicting the rotten wood and abandoned beams?<br /> </h5> <h5>廊桥的每根木条的裂缝里<br />都幽居着一位工匠的灵魂<br />秋之手都无法描摹的油画<br />在一次莫名的邂逅中复活<br /> <br />In every wood that makes up the Gallery bridge<br />Resides a craftsmans soul<br />An oil painting that even the hand of autumn fails to make<br />Comes to life in an unexpected encounter <br /> </h5> <h5>人间与天堂的界线<br />在纷扬的雪花中模糊<br />尘世的思绪都被皑皑的白色<br />格式化清除<br />一场宿醉后醒来<br />我分不清<br />是我在感知<br />还是宇宙通过我在思索。<br /> <br /> The flying snow is filling the gap between heaven and earth,<br />Formatting all the worldly thoughts with pure whiteness;<br />Waking up from a night drunk,<br />I can not tell:<br />It is I or the universe<br />That is thinking.<br /> </h5> <h5>《自闭者的眼睛》</h5><h3><br /></h3><h5>世人如何能理解<br />一双能看透时空的目光:<br /> <br />另一个纬度的天空,<br />可以折叠放在口袋里;<br />那里的爱人 年青 面带微笑,<br />永远或者断断续续地向你走来。<br /> <br />那里的世界,<br />可以走进视网膜,<br />任你直接在眼里观看。 <br /> </h5><h5>〈Autistic eyes〉</h5><h3><br /></h3><h5>How can the world know the eyes<br />That can see through the spacetime?<br /> <br />The sky in the other dimension<br />Can be folded into pocket;<br />Lovers there, always young and smiling,<br />Walking toward you forever or intermittently.<br /> <br />The world beyond,<br />Can go into your retina,<br />For a direct inside seeing.<br /> </h5> <h5>把时间凝固成黑色的线条,线条在白色的背景上散落成一个个瞬时的永恒;这一切只为等待某一日,在时光之河上漂泊的你们能蓦然回首。</h5><h5><br /></h5><h5>Time is solidified into black lines, forming a transient eternity on the white background in order to win a look from you--- a wanderer on the river of time.</h5> <h5 style="text-align: center;"><br /></h5><h5 style="text-align: center;"><br /></h5><h5 style="text-align: center;"><br /></h5><h5 style="text-align: center;">钢笔画习作: 秀慧</h5><h5 style="text-align: center;">美术指导: 麦浪</h5><h5 style="text-align: center;">中英文配诗: 钱伟</h5><h5 style="text-align: center;">人像摄影: 家骐</h5><h5 style="text-align: center;"><br /></h5><h5 style="text-align: center;"><br /></h5><h3><br /></h3>