Elaborate Invitation Card
In order to present the wonderful show, parent volunteers were busy making up their children. “倾听成长的声音——追求灵动课程 展示真实自我” 黄城根小学教育集团官园校区庆祝建校112周年暨EITE课程汇演拉开了帷幕。
"Listen to the Sound of Growing--Chasing the lively course, showing the true self" GuanYuan Campus of HCHG Education Group celebrated the 112th anniversary and EITE course. 官园校区张校长致辞。
Principal Zhang gave us a speech. 一年级7班青年教师殷悦执教语文识字写字片段教学课。
The yong teacher from class 7 Grade 1 Yin
Yue presented a piece of Chinese Character knowing and practicing lesson. 一年级7班青年教师邓小苗执教数学片段教学课。
The yong teacher from class 7 Grade 1Deng
Xiaomiao presented a piece of Maths lesson. 外教老师在做精彩地介绍。
Foreigner teacher is introducing the
program happily. 一年级10班英文歌舞表演《 Bar Bar Bar 》一展师生风采。
The performance Bar Bar Bar from Class 10
Grade 1 presented spirit of teachers and students. 一年级2班的师生同台英文儿童歌曲表演十分精彩。
The teachers and students from class2 gave us a brilliant English singing. 一年级8班的小黄人们一上场,欢笑多多。
Minions from Class8 Grade1 brought us a lot of fun when they entered the stage. 一年级15班的校园情景歌舞《Singing in the Rain》亲切又精彩。
Campus singing and dancing performance "Singing in the Rain" of Class 15 Grade 1 was warm and wonderful. 一年级1班国粹京剧与现代劲歌劲舞巧妙结合彰显个性。
The combination of Peking Opera and modern dance of Class 1 Grade 1 highlighted personality. 一年级13班的亲子秀赢得阵阵掌声。
Parent-Child Show of Class 13 Grade 1 won the roars of applause. 书法作品赠送校领导。
The leaders received the gift of handwriting. 载歌载舞给人留下美好感受。
The wonderful performance gave a deep impression for everyone. 一年级5班的短剧《小蝌蚪找妈妈》外加歌舞表演十分有趣。
Class5 brought a lively playlet“
Little tadpole looking for mom"and English song"If you are happy" 一年级3班的“小星星”闪亮登场。
“The little star”which acted by children from Class 3 ,showed us a brilliant appearance. 一年级16班的爸爸和孩子们共同演绎了一出温馨而又快乐的歌舞《爸爸去哪儿》。
The children and their daddies from Class 16 put on a song and dance performance <Where are we going ,daddy?> struck all of audiences. 一年级14班端庄大气的演出,赢得连连称赞。
Class 14 Grade1 was credited for elegant and wonderful performance on the stage. 一年级12班的环保歌舞秀,主题感人。
Class 12 Grade 1 performed eco-friendly garments at a fashion show on the stage. Environmental theme impressed us most. 一年级4班带来的Ten Little Indians&London Bridge创意无限。
Classn4 Grade1 brought us creative"Ten Little Indians"&"London Bridge". 一年级7班短剧《拔萝卜》很有意思。
The playlet of "Pulling The Radish" is very interseting. 朵朵“向日葵”迎着朝阳绽放笑脸。
The sunflowers are facing the sun smiling. 一年级6班的相声表演像模像样。
The Cross Talk from Class6 Grade1 are absorbing. 一年级9班生动活泼的短剧表演吸引着每一位观众。
The playlet from Class 9 Grade 1 are attract to all the audiences. 一年级11班的音乐老师和学生同台唱的英文歌曲真是好听!
Class 11 and its music teacher gave us an amazing English song. 多么可爱的孩子们啊!表演得栩栩如生。
Adorable kids! They gave us lifelike performance! 一年级外教Sofie和孩子们跳了Mahna mahna。
Sofie, foreign teacher of Grade 1, danced with kids Mahna Mahna. 全体英语老师为大家献上歌曲《I‘m Yours》。
All the English teachers gave us the performance of I'm yours. 羽林篮球队的精彩课程展演,赢得阵阵喝彩!
YuLin basketball team's wonderful course performance won lots of cheering. 黄城武韵武术队课程展演令台下观众感叹不已!
HCHG Wu Yun wushu team course show made audience amazed. 校区武术教师姐妹花的表演,令观众大开眼界!
The show from Martial art twin sister teacher really surprised all . 汇演结束,领导、嘉宾、志愿者代表、演员代表上台合影留念。
At the end of the show , the leaders , guests, volunteers and part of actors posed for pictures.