【IF You Go Away】


<h3>If you go away</h3><h3>如果您离开了 </h3> <h3>Then you might as well </h3><h3>Take the sun away</h3><h3>那您也会连太阳一起带走 </h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>On this summer day</h3><h3>在这炎炎的夏日 </h3> <h3>All the birds that flew</h3><h3>就像鸟儿都飞走了</h3> <h3>In the summer sky</h3><h3>在这夏日的天空</h3> <h3>And our love was new</h3><h3>我们的爱就像新的一样</h3> <h3>And worship the wind</h3><h3>我们崇拜风</h3> <h3>And our hearts were high </h3><h3>我们的心都高高飞翔</h3> <h3>When the day was young </h3><h3>在那些年轻的日子</h3> <h3>And our hearts were high</h3><h3>我们的心是激动地</h3> <h3>And the night was long </h3><h3>夜晚无比漫长</h3> <h3>But if you stay </h3><h3>但是如果您留下</h3> <h3>I'll make you a day</h3><h3>我会让您拥有</h3> <h3>Like no day has ever been</h3><h3>从未有过的快乐</h3> <h3>Or will be again </h3><h3>直到永远</h3> <h3>We'll sail on the sun</h3><h3>我们会在日光中航行</h3> <h3>We'll ride on the rain </h3><h3>我们会在细雨中飞驰</h3> <h3>We'll talk to the trees</h3><h3>我们会同森林交谈</h3> <h3>And worship the wind</h3><h3>还有向微风致敬</h3> <h3>And if you go</h3><h3>但如果您仍旧离开</h3> <h3>I'll understand</h3><h3>我可以理解</h3> <h3>Leave me just enough love</h3><h3>您已留给了我足够的爱</h3> <h3>To hold in my hand </h3><h3>让我可以一直握在掌心</h3> <h3>But if you go</h3><h3>但如果您仍旧离开 </h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>I won't cry</h3><h3>我不会哭泣</h3> <h3>For the good is gone </h3><h3>因为美好依然逝去</h3> <h3>if you go away</h3><h3>如果你离开......</h3> <h3>if you go away</h3><h3>如果你真的离开</h3><h3>我会很庆幸你曾经来</h3>