Philippe Dufermont @ 皇玉


<h3>Our story started from Feb. Of 2002 我们的爱情故事始于2002年2月初......</h3> <h3>You said Fanny is my daughter, I beleive u.因宝贝女儿而开始。</h3> <h3>First time we gave her English name Fanny.第一次见到女儿,有了极好听的英文名Fanny.</h3> <h3>Our small nestle.我们自己小窝。</h3> <h3>Fulfill love and happiness in our small home.我们的小家蓬荜生辉。</h3> <h3><span style="line-height: 1.5;">I'm pregnant after half and one year later</span>一年半后我<span style="line-height: 1.5;">怀孕了。</span></h3> <h3>You stayed with me or phoned me to accompany.即使没在我身边,每天都有你N个电话陪伴。</h3> <h3>Surprise!You came back early without notice. 惊喜---'偶遇'原来你悄悄提前回来陪产。</h3> <h3>Baby, Welcome !Papa and Mama love you.迎来了我们宝贝儿子,我们爱❤️宝贝。</h3> <h3>Then family from 3 to 4 members.从此我们四口之家啦!</h3> <h3>Dad gives me and two kids the happiest time.幸福时光</h3> <h3><span style="line-height: 1.5;">We have a marriage certificate.我</span><span style="line-height: 1.5;">们登记啦。</span></h3> <h3>Import day.重要日子。</h3> <h3>Nice remember in belgium.我们在比利时。</h3> <h3>We rode bike follow musical team in spring.相约在春天,我们跟随音乐骑行去。</h3> <h3>We came in Alps.我们来到阿尔卑斯。</h3> <h3>We were listening of <span style="line-height: 1.5;">the Beatles concert.我们一起去甲壳虫乐队成员的演唱会。</span></h3> <h3>We received humen wine band in neerber我们在比利时接待了虎外管乐团。</h3> <h3>Welcome Friends. 有朋自远方来。</h3> <h3>Haha, remember France police following us.哈哈,我们经历了好几次被警察高速跟追。</h3> <h3>Father's love is as great as a Mountain.父爱如山,爸爸拼尽全力举托孩子。</h3> <h3>You drove long way to show us snowing.长途跋涉只为我们一起去看雪。</h3> <h3>Our belgium family. 我们比利时家人。</h3> <h3>有点"2"的我们.</h3> <h3>We were in Turkish .我们在土耳其清真寺。</h3> <h3>Very nice village holiday .最美乡村假期。</h3> <h3>We were in North Sea .我们在北海。</h3> <h3>Cooked paella.一起野吹。</h3> <h3>On weekends, we went out to descover.周末我们一起逛古巷,品美食,玩美拍。</h3> <h3>(亲,这张照片可以与上一张拼图。)</h3> <h3>Fuzhou on business, then visiting.我们在福州。</h3> <h3>We were luck to find money back.我们一起去感谢帮我们追回网络诈骗所有货款的中国人民好警察。</h3> <h3>Happy birthday. 那年我们好好庆祝一番,生日快乐。</h3> <h3>Chinese New Year in Hunan .每年我们回湖南老家陪家人一起过年。</h3> <h3>Last night of 2016. 一起守岁。</h3> <h3>That year.我们的青怱岁月时。</h3> <h3>中国,湖南好女婿。</h3> <h3>Last year's episode, we left our car keys in the car.</h3> <h3>我们一起参加侄女婚礼。</h3> <h3>Our Hunan big family.湖南大家庭。</h3> <h3>We attend Hk fair each year.每年我们一起参加香港灯展。</h3> <h3>Celebrate my birthday in hk each year.每年在这,你张罗着大家一起陪我一起吃素庆生日。</h3> <h3>We visit canton together fair each year.我们每年一起参加广交会。</h3> <h3>And canton fair.</h3> <h3>2012 we were in lijiang.2013我们在丽江。</h3> <h3>Ride together.我们一起骑行。</h3> <h3>In Paris.在巴黎。</h3> <h3>Nice holiday memory in Spain .那些年我们一起房车露营。</h3> <h3>Msc our <span style="line-height: 1.5;">Luxury tour to Europe.轮船环欧旅。</span></h3> <h3>Riroca , Granada ,wine and very nice friends.我们在西班牙酒村。</h3> <h3>Granada</h3> <h3>After operation .手术后。</h3> <h3>继续"2"地撒狗粮.</h3> <h3>We were hungry in Portugal.葡萄牙的慢节奏,把我们饿坏了。</h3> <h3>Ebisa 岛屿</h3> <h3>We were in Thainland 我们在泰国布吉岛。</h3> <h3>Isd international day 文盛国际日我们代表比利时队一起做美食。</h3> <h3><span style="line-height: 1.5;">After finishing all the photos, I found out that I was a spoiled princess.致此</span>才发现我是被你宠坏的野蛮公主。</h3> <h3>Je's taime. 你的公主长大,会心疼你啦。执子之手,与子偕老。</h3>