

<h3 style="text-align: center; ">文丨张雅玲</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>瑞士的瑞吉山(Mount Rigi)是阿尔卑斯山脉中的一座山峰,有1800米高,在Zug的湖边能清晰地看到这座山峰,因为离的不远,显得这座山峰特别的宏大和壮观。<br /></h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>2018年1月6日这天,天气出奇的好,白云在蔚蓝天空的映衬下白的透明, 雪山在阳光的照射下闪耀着银光, 着实的迷人。乘坐特殊的爬山火车,从山下到半山腰,穿过不太厚的云层,豁然别有洞天,阿尔卑斯山脉突然在眼前出现,绵延不断的阿尔卑斯山脉一直延伸,延伸到不尽的远处。这是我们第二次看到冬天的阿尔卑斯山脉的美丽,风光无限好!无限好风光!</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>2009年,相距8103公里的瑞士的瑞吉山和四川的峨眉山结为姊妹山,为了增进文化交流和旅游合作,两山互赠了上吨重的山石。这次在瑞吉山的山顶上看到了来自峨眉山的8吨重的玄武石,据说在峨眉山落户了来自于瑞吉山的2.6吨重的砾岩石。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>命中注定我要在瑞士看到来自于四川峨眉山的这块山石,因为中国的名山我只登过峨眉山,非常幸运我在峨眉山金顶看到过佛光。那是38年前,1980年的暑假和六个同学一起去的,上山花了三天的时间,下山花了两天的功夫。等回到人间,两条腿不听使唤,双腿酸疼,只能硬撑着保持腿硬直才可以走路,如果不注意膝盖稍一弯曲就控制不住会有跪下去的可能。非常幸运今天在瑞吉山的山顶我们也看到了佛光!</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3 style="text-align: center; ">🏔️🏔🏔</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Mount Rigi is in Switzerland, it is one of the mountain peaks of the Alps with a height of 1,800 meters. This mountain peak can be clearly seen on the Lake Zug in Zug, because it is not far. Today, we went to Rigi Mountain together. </h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Surprisingly a good weather it was today, the white clouds in the blue sky became transparent and weightlessly, really charming, snow-capped the mountains looked like all in silver in the sunshine. We took a special mountain climbing train from the foot of the mountain to the half way of the mountain, as the train went through the not too thick clouds, suddenly the Alps appeared in front of us, we saw the endless Alps, it seemed that it stretches to endless point far far away. This was the second time we saw the beauty of the Alps in winter, the scenery was marvellous ! It was an infinitely good scenery!</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>The partnership between the two mountains of Mount Rigi and Mount Emei, which lie 8106 km apart, was established in 2009. In order to promote cultural exchange and tourism cooperation, an exchange of stones between Rigi and Emei, to represent the valuable and long standing partnership. The Emei stone weighs 8 tones was inaugurated on the top of Mount Rigi, it is a basalt rock, and the Mount Rigi stone was inaugurated on the holy Mount Emei, the Rigi stone weighs 2.6 tones, it is a molasses conglomerate. </h3><h3><br /></h3><h3 style="text-align: left;">I was destined to see this piece of basalt rock from Mount Emei in Switzerland, because the famous mountains in China I have only been to Mount Emei , and luckily I saw the Buddha light on the Emei Golden Summit. 38 years ago, it was a summer vacation in 1980, my classmates and I , seven of us climbed up to the Emei Mountain, we spent three days got up to the top and while getting down the mountain took us two days . When we got back, my legs were sore and painful , I could not take control of my legs , in fact non of us could. We must keep our legs vertical straightly when we walking, otherwise we might have bent down on the ground . Luckily, today on the top of Mount Rigi, we also saw the Buddha light as well! </h3><h3><br /></h3><h3 style="text-align: center; ">🔹</h3><h3 style="text-align: center; ">🔹</h3><h3 style="text-align: center; ">🔹</h3><h3 style="text-align: center; "> <br /></h3> <h3>🔻Hello Rigi, 请允许我走近你</h3> <h3>🔻在这里坐登山火车</h3> <h3>🔻银装素裹的阿尔卑斯山脉</h3> <h3>🔻最醒目的颜色是小木屋的橙色屋顶</h3> <h3>🔻再高的山也挡不住太阳的光芒</h3> <h3>🔻滑雪⛷️爱好者青睐的滑雪胜地,带上雪撬上山</h3> <h3>🔻瑞士的国旗🇨🇭随处可见</h3> <h3>🔻山间小木屋</h3> <h3>🔻同行的"伙伴"</h3> <h3>🔻The Alps 绵延不断</h3> <h3>🔻看似我在这边,群山在那边,实为我被群山环绕</h3> <h3>🔻白雪装饰的群山</h3> <h3>🔻云海绿洲</h3> <h3>🔻来自峨眉山的山石</h3> <h3>🔻1980年暑假和同学一行七人登峨眉山,上山前在峨眉县城,每个人都买了一根拐棍,上山下山都是必不可少的</h3> <h3>🔻登山前的合影</h3> <h3>🔻休息片刻</h3> <h3>🔻到达金顶!金顶的海拔为3077米,三天的登山是峨眉山给予我们的洗礼!</h3> <h3>🔻那时的我们有壮志豪情!</h3> <h3>🔻无限风光在险峰</h3> <h3>🔻人太渺小了,与大自然和谐共处人类才有出路</h3> <h3>🔻玻璃窗收纳的壮观美景!</h3> <h3>🔻特别的爬山火车</h3> <h3>🔻一条铁轨🛤️给上山的火车,另一条铁轨给下山的火车</h3> <h3>🔻人间仙景</h3> <h3>🔻山顶上有供人们休息的驿站</h3> <h3>🔻铁轨突然消失不见了</h3> <h3>🔻🍷🍷🍷</h3> <h3>时隔38年,今天"登"上了与峨眉山结为姊妹山的瑞吉山,至此,圆了我登峨眉山的故事,正可谓冥冥之中早有安排!</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3 style="text-align: right; ">写于2018年1月8日</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3 style="text-align: center; ">🔹🔹🔹</h3>