

<h3>一针一线一幅画,一人一物一场景,</h3><h3>一兴一趣一心境,一岁一月一流年。<br></h3> <h3>  轻挑慢捻一针一线都在指尖流淌,任凭岁月在绣布中流逝!因为热爱所以坚持。能够静下心来坚持着做自己喜欢的事情,是一种无比的快乐!!曾和儿子调侃,这是咱的传家宝,告诉你的祖孙这是你祖太奶绣的,哈哈,幸福的感觉不要不要的了。 如今,陪伴我无数个日日夜夜,即将要飘洋过海,心里不禁有些淡淡愁伤,我的青春我的梦,我的年华我的情,都随这淡淡海风,渐渐远去,变的是容颜,不变的依旧是执着与等待!</h3> <h3>  本人2013年10月2日开工,到2019年2月月3日完工,历时5年零4个月,终于完成巨幅《清明上河图》画卷,全长6.8米,宽 0.8米,全绣共计 983,745 ,00 针,此图值得推广与鉴赏。并期待当今现代的一幅中国梦的清明上河图问世。</h3> <h3> 清明上河图,是一幅具有历史价值的风俗长卷,中国十大传世名画之一。是北宋画家张择端仅见的存世精品,属国宝级文物,现藏于北京故宫博物院。</h3><h3> 翰林张择端(公元十二世纪),山东诸城人,是北宋职业画家,曾在画院任职,擅长画人物、楼阁、舟车等。国中所绘城廓市桥屋庐之远近高下,草树马牛驴驼之大小出没,以及居者行者,舟车之往返先后,皆曲尽其意态莫可数记,全幅场面浩大,内容极为丰富。清明上河图长525厘米、宽25.5厘米,绢本设色。作品以长卷形式,采用散点透视构图法,生动记录了中国十二世纪北宋都城东京(又称汴京,今河南开封)的城市面貌和当时社会各阶层人民的生活状况,是北宋时期都城汴京当年繁荣的见证,也是北宋城市经济情况的写照。</h3><h3>清明上河图在中国乃至世界绘画史上都是独一无二的。在五米多长的画卷里,共绘了数量庞大的各色人物,牛、骡、驴等牲畜,车、轿、大小船只,房屋、桥梁、城楼等各有特色,体现了宋代建筑的特征。具有很高的历史价值和艺术价值。其中计有人物684个,牲畜96头,房屋122座,轿子8顶,舟船25只,树木124棵。</h3><h3>《清明上河图》虽然场面热闹,但表现的并非繁荣市景,而是一幅带有忧患意识的“盛世危图”,官兵懒散税务重。隐藏着宋徽宗布下的千古奇局,祥和之中风雨欲来,贩夫走卒之间,埋伏着决定历史走向的大人物,一股诡异沉重的气氛,弥漫在汴河上下。<br></h3> <h3>片段章节剖析</h3> <h3>微服出游 两顶轻纱轿,三个随行轿夫,一个随行挑夫欲放下担子,一骑马的文士下马候立在轿门口,其背影姿态忸怩,很可能是一个太监,伺候女主人出轿。A Reed shed next to the old willow tree was hung with three characters: "God's lesson," see fate, "doubt". Under the shed, a fortune-teller was sitting in a divination. A man in white leaned over to inquire, and three servants behind him seemed to be whispering. Qingming on the river map of a total of 3 divination scenes, in the ancient long journey, before the examination to calculate the auspicious.<br></h3> <h3>懒兵候主 递铺衙门口9名士卒或坐或躺军容不整,两只公文箱闲放两旁,这是一个负责传递朝廷文件的递铺,府中长官本应带队将公文及时送到下一站,可快到晌午长官仍未露面,衙门空敞却无人敢扰,可见北宋官府效率之低下。<br></h3> <h3>马卧驿站 白马吃饱了躺在驿站中,一个马夫手持缰绳,斜倚一侧,在等待将要乘马的主人,应在清早出行的差官快到晌午仍迟迟不出。A Reed shed next to the old willow tree was hung with three characters: "God's lesson," see fate, "doubt". Under the shed, a fortune-teller was sitting in a divination. A man in white leaned over to inquire, and three servants behind him seemed to be whispering. Qingming on the river map of a total of 3 divination scenes, in the ancient long journey, before the examination to calculate the auspicious.<br></h3> <h3>卜卦决疑 老柳树旁一顶芦棚子,悬挂着"神课""看命""决疑"三条字幅,棚下的卦肆中端坐着的算命先生,一个白衣男子俯身询问,身后三个仆人似在窃窃私语。清明上河图中共出现3处占卜场景,在古代远行、赶考之前都要测算凶吉。A Reed shed next to the old willow tree was hung with three characters: "God's lesson," see fate, "doubt". Under the shed, a fortune-teller was sitting in a divination. A man in white leaned over to inquire, and three servants behind him seemed to be whispering. Qingming on the river map of a total of 3 divination scenes, in the ancient long journey, before the examination to calculate the auspicious.<br></h3> <h3>客来客往 茶肆门口有客人缓慢地往驴背上爬,许是刚吃完饭,打算骑驴回家。茶肆的南边有顶骄子,轿子内的贵人不宜露面,有女仆捧茶立轿旁服侍。The guest comes to the tea shop door has the guest slowly to climb up the donkey back, is just eats the meal, plans to ride the donkey to return home. Tea shop on the south side of the top proud son, sedan chair inside the nobility should not appear, a maid holding tea sedan chair to serve.<br></h3> <h3>坊间茶铺 这是汴河边的一家茶坊,宋人爱饮茶,茶坊四处可见,就像今天的咖啡馆。茶坊名字炫酷,像朱骷髅茶坊、张七相干茶坊、黄尖嘴蹴球茶坊、一窟鬼茶坊、大街车儿茶肆、蒋检阅茶肆。This is a tea shop near the Bianhe River, the Song people love to drink tea, teahouses can be seen everywhere, like today's coffee shop. The name of the tea shop dazzling cool, such as Zhu skeleton tea shop, Zhang Qiquan tea shop, Huang Jian beak tea shop, a ghost tea shop, street car tea shop, Jiang review tea shop.<br></h3> <h3>双橹客船 图中这艘船,首尾有双橹,橹和桨都是船只的推进工具,不同处在于"划"桨而"摇"橹。相传是鲁班看见鱼儿在水中摇尾前进,遂削木为橹。图中船橹可供6到8人同时使力,橹的发明是中国对世界造船技术的重大贡献。In this boat, there are two oars at the head and tail. The oars and oars are the propulsion tools of the ship. The difference is that they are "paddled" and "rowed". According to legend, Luban saw the fish in the water to shake the tail forward, then cut wood for the oars. The oars can be used by six to eight people at the same time. The invention of the oars is a great contribution to the shipbuilding technology of the world.<br></h3> <h3>欢楼美禄 十千脚店的欢楼之下挂着“天之美禄”和“□□稚酒”的招牌,“天之美禄”出自宋代词人王观的《减字木兰花》,店主借用此来形容店内米酒之高档。大门口立着方箱广告“十千脚店”,里面可点上蜡烛,以便于在夜间招揽顾客。Huanlou Milu 1000 feet store under the Huanlou hanging "the United States of Heaven" and "-childish wine" signs, "the United States of Heaven" from the Song Dynasty poet Wang Guan's "reduced word magnolia", the shopkeeper used this to describe the store's rice wine is high grade. At the front door stood a box advertisement, "Ten thousand feet," in which candles could be lit in order to attract customers at night.<br></h3> <h3>飞虹跨河</h3><h3>横跨汴河之上的是一座规模宏大的木质拱桥,结构精巧,形式优美,宛如飞虹,故名虹桥。整座大桥全部由木材修建而成,高大得使汴河流域最大的船舶都能顺利穿越,宽阔坚固得能并排行驶几辆装满货物的畜力车。</h3> <h3>探风仙鹤 虹桥四周立有木杆,杆上有十字木架,最顶上是鸟形物件,这是古代测风仪,最早是五两重的鸡毛所制,又称"五两"。只要看鸟头朝往哪儿,便知风向。There is a wooden pole around the bridge, the pole has a cross wooden , the top is a bird-shaped object, this is the ancient wind meter, the earliest is made of five pairs of chicken hair, also known as "five pairs." Just look at where the bird is headed, and you'll know where the wind is going.<br></h3> <h3>船工急呼 眼看大船遇险,运河两岸停泊的船顶上都站着一个船工在大声发出警示,以防这艘客船的船头或船尾在调整方向时会意外撞上来。The boatman cried out to see the ship in distress, and on the top of the boat moored on both sides of the canal stood a boatman sounding a warning in case the passenger ship's bow or stern accidentally bumped into the direction.<br></h3> <h3>大船抢险 一辆大客船正要过桥,河道狭窄,河水湍急,船上人多吃水很深,眼看客船桅杆就要撞向虹桥。船工们纷纷加开火力抢救,船头两位小心翼翼地调整船头方向。桥上还有热心人不顾个人安危,跨到虹桥栏杆外,探身帮忙、指挥。A large passenger ship was about to cross the bridge. The river was narrow and the river was fast flowing. The people on board were so deep that the mast of the passenger ship was about to crash into Hongqiao. The boatmen opened up their fire to rescue the ship, and the bow two carefully adjusted the bow direction. There are also warmhearted people on the bridge, regardless of personal safety, cross the Hongqiao railing outside, leaning to help, command.<br></h3> <h3>处女作 少女</h3> <h3>客厅山水壁画 源远流长</h3> <h3>壁画 迎客松</h3> <h3>清明上河图 长2米 宽1.1米</h3> <h3>餐厅壁画 盛开的牡丹</h3> <h3>家和万事兴</h3> <h3>长廊油画 花篮</h3>