华诞谱新章,优雅情更浓 ____2018安农大九十华诞(校园风情篇)


<h3>  安徽农业大学坐落于安徽省合肥市。她源于1928年成立的省立安徽大学,1935年成立农学院,1954年独立办学,1995年更名为安徽农业大学。现下设19个学院,80个本科专业,教职工1780人,在校学生21477人,其中研究生2861人。学校科研成果多次获得国家、省部级奖励,培养的学子遍布海内外,走出了一条产学研相结合的“大别山道路”。安徽农业大学全体教职工不忘初心,齐心协力,努力建设特色鲜明的高水平农业大学。</h3><h3> 一年四季花香美,春去秋来各不同。庭深院悠藏诗书,胸怀天下谱华章。2018年10月20日,安徽农业大学将迎来建校90周年华诞,又适逢1988届校友毕业30周年纪念,美丽优雅的安徽农业大学等着您回家看看!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3> New Look in the Special Birthday, Deep Bond with Demure Elegance</h3><h3><br></h3><h3></h3><h3> Located in Hefei, the capital city of Anhui Province of China, Anhui Agricultural University (AAU) is a key university, with a long history specializing in agriculture and forestry. AAU started its history as a college of agriculture in 1935 under Provincial Anhui University founded in 1928, it became an independent higher learning institution in 1954 and changed its name to Anhui Agricultural University in 1995. AAU currently has 19 schools, with a full-time enrollment of 21477 students, of whom 2,861 are postgraduates. </h3><h3> Upholding the school mission of serving “Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers”, AAU has always dedicated itself to developing rural areas via science and technology and developing Anhui via science and education. It has successfully created a well-known “Dabieshan Road” with the goal of advancing the university through instructional innovation and poverty alleviation.</h3><h3> On 20th October, 2018, AAU will usher its 90th anniversary, and this anniversary will coincide with the 30th anniversary of the 1988 alumni graduation. Our beautiful and elegant university awaits your coming home!</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>红梅报春<br></h3> <h3>踏园探春</h3> <h3>满庭春意</h3> <h3>春意盎然</h3> <h3>缤纷透心<br></h3> <h3>寻梦花海<br></h3> <h3>知识宝库<br></h3> <h3>春色满楼</h3> <h3>幽香含春<br></h3> <h3>共读时光</h3> <h3>沐浴阳光<br></h3> <h3>现代风情</h3> <h3>勤学苦读<br></h3> <h3>永恒丰碑<br></h3> <h3>夏日情怀<br></h3> <h3>书山有路<br></h3> <h3>岁月痕迹</h3> <h3>小径通幽<br></h3> <h3>雕刻时光<br></h3> <h3>红红火火</h3> <h3>笑脸相迎<br></h3> <h3>印象秋色<br></h3> <h3>叶落无声<br></h3> <h3>浓浓秋意<br></h3> <h3>秋色如画</h3> <h3>秋雨过后<br></h3> <h3>秋日伴行<br></h3> <h3>梦幻之路</h3> <h3>叶落知秋</h3> <h3>金秋洗礼<br></h3> <h3>秋意满园<br></h3> <h3>秋色盈楼<br></h3> <h3>宁静秋日</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3></h3><h3>徜徉其中<br></h3> <h3>美好时光<br></h3> <h3>五彩斑斓<br></h3> <h3>秋色掩映<br></h3> <h3>求学路上</h3> <h3>醉美深秋</h3> <h3>相映成趣</h3> <h3>对称之妙<br></h3> <h3>灵动美图<br></h3> <h3>绿意盎然<br></h3> <h3>大美校园</h3> <h3>岁月静好</h3> <h3>森林城市</h3> <h3>白梅初绽<br></h3> <h3>大地园丁<br></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>一起发达<br></h3> <h3>妙手盆景<br></h3> <h3>初雪印象<br></h3> <h3>立体画卷<br></h3> <h3>雪径探幽<br></h3> <h3>傲雪飘扬<br></h3> <h3>瑞雪丰年</h3> <h3>银色世界<br></h3> <h3>玉树琼枝</h3> <h3>冰雕玉砌</h3> <h3>感恩有你</h3> <h3>冬日音符</h3> <h3>参天大树</h3> <h3>起舞飞腾<br></h3>