

<h3>伟人爱雪,凡夫俗子我也爱雪!出于雪的崇高敬意无限怀念,特发次文,以表狂热。</h3> <h3>《春雪思亲》雪罩屋,屋披衣,漫漫寒夜孤劳瘁,寸草心,养育之恩无以馈。雪罩屋,屋披衣,杲杲残阳将化水,两行泪,从此相见杳无期。</h3> <h3>雪黏灯,灯融雪 ,<br>灯雪交融,只是为了激情一刻。雪黏灯,灯撵雪,灯模仿了雪,却又狠心将雪融化。</h3> <h3>真的是鬼斧神工,巧夺天工,美得让人窒息,以至于连诗人都才屈词穷无法形容。十六年一遇的大雪,是老天赐给新时代的礼物,我怎么忍心伤害她、铲除她,那简直是作孽,让她们顺从万物发展规律而自生自灭吧。</h3> <h3>有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!美女同事闻迅携亲友团赶来三甲踏雪寻梅,只要是来三甲村的朋友,那怕不带走一片云彩,统统视为贵宾,统统视为给村子添砖加瓦,这一刻终将成为美好回忆,这一美丽瞬间势必会载入史册。</h3> <h3>滑呀滑,滑到清水温泉。历史总是惊人的相似,来到此恍如隔世,仿佛找到了《兰亭序》的出处“群贤毕至,少长咸集。此地有崇山峻岭,茂林修竹;又有清流激湍,映带左右,引以为流觞曲水,列坐其次。虽无丝竹管弦之盛,一觞一咏,亦足以畅叙幽情。是日也,天朗气清,惠风和畅,仰观宇宙之大,俯察品类之盛,所以游目骋怀,足以极视听之娱,信可乐也。”</h3> <h3>摇啊摇,摇到外婆桥。</h3> <h3>三张图组合起来,就是神奇的家乡。</h3> <h3>这场雪的厚度达到差不多一筷子。开个玩笑:肾好不好,雪地里撒泡尿就知道,能看到地面算你尿得高,看不到地面也别害臊。</h3> <h3>驻立大西沟边,北国风光无限。</h3> <h3>此情此景,不由想起唐代李白的诗《望庐山瀑布》日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川。<br>飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。</h3> <h3>笔者也不甘示弱,半夜起床撒泡尿,也淫诗一首,可表想歪歪了。《夜狐》树上长球球,屋檐挂牛牛。牛牛,球球,风吹日晒化乌有!房前嘀嗒声,屋后叮咚鸣,嘀嗒,叮咚,一场交响入春梦。</h3> <h3>看似冰窟,其实暖屋;看似囚徒,其实公仆。心暖比什么都好,胜过电暖宝和空调。</h3> <h3>The end,期待明年冬季的雪。</h3> <h3>Seasons in the Sun_中文歌词翻译_中英对照goodbye to you my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友.we're known each other we're 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识相知.together we've climb hills trees.我们一起爬山上树.learned of love abc.一起学习.skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相通,情如手足.goodbye my friend it's hard to die.再见了,朋友们,我本不愿离去.when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.now the spring is in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮女孩.think of me and i'll be there.想我,我便与你同在.we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐.we had seasons in the sun.也曾充满阳光.but the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time.那些日子已然逝去.goodbye papa please pray for me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷.i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马.u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非.too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢.wonder how i got along.真不知那些日子是如何度过.goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我本不愿离去.when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.little children everywhere.孩子们到处嬉戏.when u see them i'll be there.当你看见他们,我便会与你同在.we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐.we had seasons in the sun.也曾有阳光季节.but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐.we had seasons in the sun.也曾有阳光季节.but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.goodbye michelle my little one.再见了蜜雪儿,我的贝比.u gave me love help me find the sun.你给我爱,给我希望.and every time that i was down.当我意志消沉时.u should always come around.你总会来到我身边.and get my feet back on the ground.鼓励我振作起来.goodbye michelle it's hard 2 die.再见了蜜雪儿,我本不愿离去.when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.with the flowers everywhere.到处是美丽的花儿.i wish that we could both be there !我希望我们在那儿欢聚!we had joy,we had fun.我们曾如此快乐.we had seasons in the sun.也曾有阳光季节.but the hills.但that we climbed were just seasons out of time.那些日子已然逝去.we had joy,we had fun.我们曾那么快乐.we had seasons in the sun.也曾充满阳光.but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝.</h3>