How to do a beefsteak?


<h3>First you need a clean pan.</h3> <h3>Some butter.</h3> <h3>Some black pepper.</h3> <h3>And a beefsteak.</h3> <h3>Then,pour the better into the pan.</h3> <h3>Wait for it to melt.</h3> <h3>Next,cover the beefsteak with butter.</h3> <h3>When you see it’s color is not red,take out.</h3> <h3>  Don’t turn off the fire,mix black pepper and butter together.</h3> <h3>After that,put the beefsteak on it.</h3> <h3>Turn over a few times.</h3> <h3>Finally,you can know that make a beefsteak is not difficult.</h3>