芳华“飞逝”,仅供回忆的回忆!Farewell to YouthFor remembering of remembering


<p class="ql-block"> 温暖的记忆,总是不在遥不可及,流过的点点滴滴,总是回旋在人的心底,特别是那些怀旧的爱情故事,总是能够吸引有类似经历的人产生共鸣。即使没有过这样的情感,如果电影能够把观众深深地代入进去,也可以获得相似的效果的,特别是当人亡物丧,往日的一切荡然无存之时。只有气味和滋味还会长存。它们如同灵魂.......在其他一切事物废墟上回忆,等待和期望。对此,我还是非常喜欢芳华的。尽管在这个文艺片式微,遍地的无厘头,靠视觉效果大行其道的影视时代,《芳华》还是给出了对特定时期思索空间的。</p><p class="ql-block">Knowing that warm memory is not any longer asremote as to reach, the bit that has run away, continuously circle round at the bottom of one’s heart, especially, a charming romantic storylines always have been attracting a lot of viewers, although someone who has no the experiences would like to take role-play. For this reason, I like the Youth that given you space to take meditation and made in the era of movie of hype, nonsense-style, vision-catch.</p><p class="ql-block">On Sunday that I eager to have a rest and under the guideline of college classmates, I went to the movie house to watch the Youth which set in China in the Culture revolution and open-up, moreover, there are three times of saluting and tragedies speaking out from the movie</p> <p class="ql-block"> 急需放松的星期天,在网上及大学同学群的点赞节拍下,终于有了充实的主题---观赏《芳华》。这就有了这样的认识:女主的三次敬礼及影片的三个悲剧(人物,社会,时代)。</p><p class="ql-block">第一次敬礼:片头女主刚刚被介绍时的怯怯地敬礼,</p><p class="ql-block">急于改变命运好让他人尊重的女主,刚刚来到寝室门口,未能穿上她的军装前,有了能让他人尊重的机会而行了军礼,借以想感到能获得他人的尊重,但却被无法认可的“高干”子弟给拒绝了回去。从此,她想在社会的层级上开始无奈而又无效地证明自己。低端人物在一个唯成分论的大时代里,是被边缘和淹没的,人物悲剧也。</p><p class="ql-block">The first salute cowardly and awkwardly</p><p class="ql-block">The female leading role, borne in a family of anti-revolution and wanted escape her “fate”, given a not smartly military salute before wearing the uniform at the door of soldier room in order to gain respection, the result against her willing. After that , she underwent a process from improve herself to abandon herself in the context of the theory of the unique importance of class origin. The low-end people in a society, in fact, usually, is marginalized and null.</p><p class="ql-block">It is the personal tragedy.</p> <h3>第一次敬礼:片头女主刚刚被介绍时的怯怯地敬礼,</h3><div>急于改变命运好让他人尊重的女主,刚刚来到寝室门口,未能穿上她的军装前,有了能让他人尊重的机会而行了军礼,借以想感到能获得他人的尊重,但却被无法认可的“高干”子弟给拒绝了回去。从此,她想在社会的层级上开始无奈而又无效地证明自己。低端人物在一个唯成分论的大时代里,是被边缘和淹没的,人物悲剧也。</div><div>The first salute cowardly and awkwardly</div><div>The female leading role, borne in a family of anti-revolution and wanted escape her “fate”, given a not smartly military salute before wearing the uniform at the door of soldier room in order to gain respection, the result against her willing. After that , she underwent a process from improve herself to abandon herself in the context of the theory of the unique importance of class origin. The low-end people in a society, in fact, usually, is marginalized and null.</div><div>It is the personal tragedy.</div> 片中大量细节精准也精彩地诠释了时代和人物。音乐,服装和道具都精准,都走心。自卫反击战的具象写实表现让观众知道了战争的血腥与残酷,(也为男主后来的悲剧命运铺垫的唏嘘的伏笔),特别是片尾的韩红演唱的歌曲能够使观众有了进一步的理解。需要说是:尽管小说和编剧都是严歌苓自己操刀,但是小说和电影容量不同影响也不同,小说容量大影响小,电影顾忌多意涵深,就很难达到小说的深度,作家是以揭露现实为己任,导演却以票房做目标。<div>I personally consider the director’s film the most accurate deion of the life and person at the era</div><div> 该片是一部纵向结构的电影,纵跨20年。不挖掘更深的人物内心的感受,不展示性格与环境冲突的内容,不以宏大叙事及视觉效果为卖点,只在粗浅模糊的年代背景下,用我们今天看来是不成事件的事件,流畅清晰地表现出电影主题:女主是带着改变自己的命运而来,拒绝在社会压力下退缩,refused to buckle under society pressure,却在时代大潮中冲在岸边;男主貌似浪中潮儿,实则多舛流沛,最后以三轮车养家糊口,从而勾勒出在特定时代中,个体命运的无奈和无力;这样,便叩开了观众的心栓与同情。这其实是人性使然。问题是人类是很难持续地关注小人物的,难道不是吗?</div> <h3>作为结尾曲,韩红所演唱的《绒花》,让观众能够寂在椅子上玩味思考。应验了德国哲学家叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer)的那句话:“音乐可以复写整个感觉世界的”。这就使我深深地懂得:在音乐中,有一种精致而连续的音高,它能够简单明了地表现事物的复杂。</h3><div>观影后,由电影引发的在相应的时代有关于人生的探讨是值得人们深思的,想起来了我在大学期间写过的一句话:</div><h3>“孩子问妈妈什么是命运?"</h3><h3>妈妈指了指天上的气球🎈。</h3> <h3>可见,无论我们愿意与否,我们却和相应时代的政治息息相关,这就是为什么我们有责任为了自己的利益和社会的利益参与政治生活。但恐怕难有作为的,你是无法抗争拴着的命运的“冥冥”之线的。这也是《阿甘正传》最后结尾的镜头:飘在空中的鹅毛,最后只能放在书中,“夹”在书中作为回忆------仅供回忆的回忆。</h3><div>We are all involved in politics accompany with time, whether we want to be or not. That is why we have a responsibility to participate in politics for our own good, as well as for the good of society, You can’t to be, however, in outside of society that always affected your life. Keep in your mind, a piece of goose feather flied in the sky is put into a book in the ending of “ Forest Gump”.</div><div>It is for remembering of remembering.</div> <h3>  </h3><div>PS: 顺便说一句, 禁止放映&lt;&lt;芳华&gt;&gt;的行动使很多观众成了这部电影的支持者.被禁止并不总是会发生的最坏的一件事.观看这部电影的人很多,而且受到人们的广泛赞誉.</div><div>By the way, the action of banning “Youth” made many supporters of the viewers, been banned is not always the worst thing that can happen, the film is widely watched, and appreciate.</div>