莱克星顿华协夏季野餐聚会(CAAL 2017 Summer Picnic )

🌱丁薇 🌼

<h3>一年一度的Lexington CAAL华协夏季野餐聚会,将于周六8月26日在趣味横生的Mel's Funway Park举行。这是咱们莱克星顿年度最大的一次家庭户外野餐娱乐活动,每年有近三百居民参加。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>CAAL Picnic,周六8/26/2017,在Mel's Funway Park, http://www.melsfunwaypark.com/</h3><h3>454 Charles Bancroft Highway (Rt 3A)</h3><h3>Litchfield, NH 03052</h3><h3>Phone: 603-424-2292</h3><h3>Email: info@melsfunwaypark.com</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>11:00 活动入场,登记。</h3><h3>聚会入场程序:</h3><h3>1) People come in on 8/26 will go to a table with CAALstaff in control to confirm the registration and payment;</h3><h3>2) CAAL will give a ticket for every guest, Blue color stands for food and activities and the Pink color stands for food only;</h3><h3>3) Everybody will receive a special wristband provided by Funway Park; People with these wristband will receive 25% discount for every extra activity they buy;</h3><h3>4) After that, every guest will go to a table with CAALstaff to get their packages based on the ticket color;</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>【活动时间表】</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>11:00 - 13:00 午餐时间,自由活动。公园和CAAL提供午餐。</h3><h3>11:15 - 12:00 排球比赛。</h3><h3>13:00 CAAL少年交响乐队演奏,开始CAAL下午场活动。</h3><h3>13:05 - 13:10 CAAL 主席王卫东致词。</h3><h3>13:10 - 13:15 舞蹈【草原祝酒歌】</h3><h3>編導:廖弟</h3><h3>藝術指導:武亞明 Jim Wu</h3><h3>陳萱 Xuan Chen,丁薇 Wei Ding,安妮黃 Anny Huang,黃湘 Sharon Huang,林小燕 Xiaoyan Lin,劉啓農 Qinong Liu,劉媛 Yuan Liu,孫立紅 Lihong Sun,伍麗芬 Lifen Wu,毋麗君 Lijun Wu,葉蓁 Nancy Ye,趙洪娟 Hongjuan (Helen) Zhao,周穎Ying Zhou,莊寧 Ning Zhuang</h3><h3>13:15 排球頒獎 (交響樂隊演奏)。</h3><h3>13:20 拔河,麻將,撈鴨子,畫臉 開始。</h3><h3>14:30 拔河颁奖(交响乐队演奏)。</h3><h3>16:00 帐篷区清场,可以继续参加其它公园活动。</h3><h3> <br /></h3><h3><br /></h3> <h3>Activities: One Go Kart ride, Two mini golf, One bucket of golf balls at driving range, One batting case tokens, Laser Tag and Laser Maze. People wanting to buy other rides get 25% discount. Next to the tent there is a game field that we can use for our own games (tug wars, volleyball, Ma Jiang, Face Painting, save ducklings etc.).<br /></h3> <h3>CAAL夏日野餐会为新学期给孩子们找到新朋友,结识在同一个学校的华人家庭,第一手了解莱克星顿华人社团提供机会,让乡亲们的生活更加顺利和充实,这是咱们Lexington 华人组织CAAL为了大家联络感情提供的一系列活动之一。为了让大家玩的开心、尽兴,我们准备了丰富多彩的活动。除了公园各项娱乐活动,我们组织了面向老、青、幼各类户外活动,包括各个学区的排球比赛和拔河比赛,小朋友捞鸭子,趣味画脸,麻将大赛,等等。</h3> <h3>真诚感谢以下赞助商家,請大家请支持使用我们的商家哦👍:<br /></h3><h3>Richard 汽车维修买卖</h3><h3>波士顿 Jing博士-美高申请</h3><h3>苏月- KTBYTE 凯博电脑</h3><h3>张荣针灸医生诊所</h3><h3>思君DDS理疗诊所</h3><h3>Penguin coding school</h3><h3>Dr.Harry Hu-DENTAL28 Lexington </h3><h3>Leeying Wu-美东教育</h3><h3>台北食坊</h3><h3>Kelly Zheng--梦想留学</h3><h3>Lexington Education Foundation (LEF)</h3><h3>Dr. Yuci Ma Orthodontist</h3><h3>Einsteins Workshop</h3><h3>Webster Bank </h3><h3>Lijun-美育思培训 (American Education and Thinking Academy)</h3><h3>JW Insurance and Financial service&nbsp;</h3><h3>Blue Fuji 餐馆</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3><br /></h3> <h3>【CAAL 2017 826 Summer Picnic 组委会】</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>总策划 @Pan Li @丁薇</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>1. [Registration POC @ying zhou ] @Sharon Huang @程文洁 @Lihong@Jing@Jenny @Grace 嘉琪</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>2. [WeChat Registration Form POC @Joe] </h3><h3> </h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>3. 【Sponsorship POC @Leeying @波士顿志敏]</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>4. [聚会材料采购 POC @Lihong] @Xiaohong @丁薇</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>5. [中国饭店食品赞助 &amp;赞助商桌子的白桌布 POC @leeying]</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>6. [会场秩序&amp;会后卫生打扫 POC @刘青] </h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>7. 【活动: 拔河 POC @云淡风轻】@Ed Li @陈平 @王一玲</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>8. 【活动: 排球 POC @Ed Li】@Weidong Wang </h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>9. 【活动: 麻将 POC @Linna】 @Linna @程文洁 </h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>10. 【活动: 成人集体舞 草原祝酒歌 POC @Sharon huang】 </h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>11. 【CAAL 活动指示牌 POC @志强】</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>12. 【活动: 小小朋友捞鸭子 POC @pengpeng 】 @丁薇 </h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>13. 【活动: 画脸 POC @Lihong】</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>14. 【活动: CAAL 少年管弦乐队 POC @Ed Li】</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>15. 【聚会活动宣传海报,微信宣传材料】 @丁薇</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>16. 【志愿者招募】@Leeying</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>17. 【财会】@Xiaohong</h3>