

<p>第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)</p><p>做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。</p><p>第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)</p><p> 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。</p><p>例:How much is the shirt?</p><p>A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.</p><p>答案是C。</p><p>1. What are the speakers talking about?</p><p> A. A bicycle. </p><p> B. The man's brother. </p><p> C. A second-hand book.</p><p>2. What will Jimmy probably do next?</p><p> A. Do some reading. </p><p> B. Call a friend. </p><p> C. Go to bed.</p><p>3. What does the woman do?</p><p> A. She's a nurse. </p><p> B. She's a lawyer. </p><p> C. She's a teacher.</p><p>4. Why does Aunt Lucy decline Jack's offer?</p><p> A. She can manage by herself. </p><p> B. The work is finished. </p><p> C. Sarah will help out.</p><p>5. How does the man sound?</p><p> A. Stressed. </p><p> B. Understanding. </p><p> C. Regretful.</p><p>第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)</p><p> 听下面5段对话或独白每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。</p><p>听第6段材料,回答第6、7题,</p><p>6. Why does the man want to see Dr. Ross?</p><p> A. To ask for advice. </p><p> B. To have a check-up. </p><p> C. To get his test results.</p><p>7. When will the man meet Dr. Ross next week?</p><p> A. Monday. </p><p> B. Wednesday. </p><p> C. Thursday.</p><p>听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。</p><p>8. What does the woman think of the man's tie?</p><p> A. It's out of style. </p><p> B. Its color is too light. </p><p> C. It doesn't match his suit.</p><p>9. What is the man going to do?</p><p> A. To have a job interview. </p><p> B. To attend a fashion show. </p><p> C. To appear on a TV program.</p><p>听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。</p><p>10. How much food is wasted each year in the world?</p><p> A.1.3 billion tons. </p><p> B. 1 billion tons. </p><p> C. 88 million tons.</p><p>11. Where does food waste in Europe mostly come from?</p><p> A. Restaurants. </p><p> B. Households. </p><p> C. Schools.</p><p>12. How much food waste has been reduced in the student's city?</p><p> A. 53%. B. 25%. C. 13%.</p><p>听第9段材料。回答第13至16题。</p><p>13. Who is the woman calling?</p><p> A. An estate agency. </p><p> B. A department store. </p><p> C. A home decoration firm.</p><p>14. How did the woman learn about Atherlon Brothers?</p><p> A. From a phone directory. </p><p> B. From a friend. </p><p> C. From an ad.</p><p>15.Who wants to have some work done in the flat?</p><p> A. Hilary Pemberton. </p><p> B. Bill Atherton. </p><p> C. May Wilson.</p><p>16. Where will the man go tomorrow morning?</p><p> A. Church Hill. </p><p> B. City Library. </p><p> C. West Park.</p><p>听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。</p><p>17. What is the speaker's job?</p><p> A. A translator. </p><p> B. A travel writer. </p><p> C. A shop owner.</p><p>18. What does the speaker think about her current job?</p><p> A. It's well-paid. </p><p> B. It's easy. </p><p> C. It's satisfying.</p><p>19. What seems to be most important for the speaker now?</p><p> A. Her family. </p><p> B. Her education. </p><p> C. Her career.</p><p>20. Who is the speaker talking to?</p><p> A. Her classmates. </p><p> B. Job applicants. </p><p> C. College students.</p><p>参考答案</p><p>1</p><p>答案速查</p><p>1—5 AACCB 6—10 BCACA </p><p>11—15 BBCBA 16—20 CACAC</p><p>2</p><p><br></p> <p>录音原文</p><p>(Text 1)</p><p>W: Nice bike! When did you get it?</p><p>M: My brother gave it to me as a birthday gift last month. It's a second-hand bike, but it's in good condition.</p><p>(Text 2)</p><p>W: Don't stay up too late chatting with friends, Jimmy. You have to go to school early in the morning.</p><p>M: Okay. I'm done chatting, but I have a couple of chapters to read before bed.</p><p>(Text 3)</p><p>M: What would you want to do if you were not working as a lawyer?</p><p>W: I don't know. Teaching, probably. I like to work with kids.</p><p>M: Me too.</p><p>(Text 4)</p><p>M: Aunt Lucy, can't we at least give you a hand with the kitchen? It's a lot of work for one person.</p><p>W: That's very kind of you, Jack. But I've hired a girl called Sarah. She's coming soon and will do most of the work.</p><p>(Text 5)</p><p>W: I'm so sorry I shouted at you yesterday. I feel awful.</p><p>M: It's all right. I know you've been under a lot of pressure lately.</p><p>(Text 6)</p><p>M: Hello, this is Richard Brown. I'd like to make an appointment to see Doctor Ross.</p><p>W: Certainly. What seems to be the problem?</p><p>M: Well, I'd like to have my regular medical examination.</p><p>W: Fine. Now, it's Monday today. When would you be available to come in to see Doctor Ross?</p><p>M: Any day next week in the morning would be great.</p><p>W: How about next Wednesday or Thursday at ten o'clock?</p><p>M: Next Thursday sounds fine to me.</p><p>W: Okay, we'll see you next Thursday, Mr. Brown. Goodbye.</p><p>(Text 7)</p><p>M: I'm going on Thompson's show. How do I look?</p><p>W: Your red tie.</p><p>M: What's wrong with it?</p><p>W: Well, red was the color of last year. Now it's light blue. Fashion experts say the light color makes a man look confident and worthy of trust.</p><p>M: But I like red.</p><p>W: I know, but you'd better follow the fashion as you are having an interview on TV.</p><p>(Text 8)</p><p>W: Mike, did you just throw the rest of that bread away?</p><p>M: Yeah. It was quite a big one, and I couldn't finish it.</p><p>W: You know you shouldn't waste food. Do you know how much of the world's food is wasted each year?</p><p>M: Uh, I don't know.</p><p>W: The figure is 1.3 billion tons of food, which is enough to feed a billion hungry people. Where do you think all this food waste comes from?</p><p>M: Well, restaurants, I imagine.</p><p>W: No. Restaurants do not contribute most to food waste. In Europe, 53% of food waste comes from households, which amounts to about 88 million tons of food waste a year.</p><p>M: Wow. I can't even believe it.</p><p>W: A high school student in America has started a campaign on the social media, persuading people to stop wasting food. Up to now, the food waste has been reduced by 25% in her city.</p><p>(Text 9)</p><p>M: Atherton Brothers.</p><p>W: Good morning. Is that Mr. Bill Atherton?</p><p>M: Speaking. How can I help?</p><p>W: My flat needs painting, and I wonder whether you'd be able to do the work.</p><p>M: I'm sure we'd be able to help. But let me take down a few details.</p><p>W: Yes, of course.</p><p>M: Well, firstly, how did you hear about us? From our advertisement?</p><p>W: Not really. It was my friend May Wilson. You did some excellent work for her last year.</p><p>M: Oh yes. That was in Church Hill, Arnside. Lovely lady!</p><p>W: Yes, she is.</p><p>M: And what's your name and phone number, please?</p><p>W: It's Hillary Pemberton. And my number is 8799-1130.</p><p>M: Right. And do you live in Church Hill, Arnside as well?</p><p>W: No, actually, it's 39 West Park, Flat 5.</p><p>M: Oh, right. It's over the road I seem to remember. Quite difficult to get to.</p><p>W: Yes, it's at the back of the city library.</p><p>M: So, I'll come to your flat at about ten in the morning tomorrow if it's okay with you.</p><p>W: Excellent. I'll be waiting for you then. See you tomorrow morning.</p><p>M: Goodbye.</p><p>(Text 10)</p><p>W: Thank Mr. Williams for inviting me back. I'd love to share with you my life experiences after graduation. Well, I graduated from here in 2001. When I was thrown into the job market, finding a job was not difficult. Most of my classmates found good jobs in big cities. If I were born a decade later, things might have been totally different. I finally accepted a job with my current employer, and now work as a translator. I won't say my job is not demanding. Sometimes I'm kept very busy working late into the night. And I also have to travel to other cities to attend some conferences several times a year. But I must admit, I'm happy with what I'm doing, which is related to what I learned at university. That's why I haven't changed jobs for the last decade and a half. In recent years, I have been thinking about trying other things, such as running a coffee shop or a bookstore. But I haven't really set out to do that because any decision I make might create challenges for my family. I got married five years after I left college. For me, family comes first. Today, you college students are facing a totally different time from what we were presented with ten years ago. Obviously, there are difficulties, but chances exist, and you'll have hope of leading a successful life.</p>









