<p> 秋风萧瑟起,暖意满人心。撷一束阳光,撒向校园,静静期待研讨的魅力,在举手投足间,绽放芳华。为了不断提高我校教师教育教学水平,给教师们一个相互交流、探讨、展示教师自我风采的舞台,小学部英语组在10月20日举办了教师观摩课活动。小学英语组全体教师参加了本次活动。</p><p> 课堂教学是一门技术,也是一门艺术。课堂展示是促进每一位教师专业成长的小跳板,是每一位老师扬帆起航的大舞台。</p> <p> 刘静老师的《My friends》,刘老师抑扬顿挫的语音语调让学生如沐春风,流利的口语给学生创造了一个良好的说的环境。整堂课节奏紧凑,气氛活跃,使学生真正动了起来,体现了学生的主体地位!</p> <p> 在评课环节中,每一次评课都是一次mini研讨会。组内各位老师都根据每节课的亮点与不足作出了评价,为上课教师改进课堂提出了宝贵建议,每个人都收获良多。</p><p> 刘老师在此次活动中,认真选题,精心备课,虚心求教,反复磨课,都希望能展现出自己最靓丽的课堂风采。他们用各不相同的设计思路去呈现精彩各异的课堂。各具特色的教师充分发挥个人魅力,带领学生进入了别开生面的英语世界。</p><p> 本次活动收到了良好的效果,不仅让大家领略了优秀教师的风采,也看到了新入职教师的的努力与进步,充分发挥了交流、学习、提高的功能。今后我们组要继续总结规律,探求方法,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,钻研教材,认真备课,全力打造有效课堂,为打开英语教学新局面而努力奋斗!</p> <p>最后给大家分享一个英语成语故事,请大家欣赏!</p> <p>There once was a shepherd. He bred many sheep. 从前有一个牧羊人,养了很多羊。</p><p>In the daytime, he herded them outside; at night, he drove them into the sheepfold which was enclosed by hays and pegs.白天放牧,晚上把它们赶进一个用柴草和木桩围起来的羊圈内。</p><p>One morning, the shepherd went to herd the sheep and found one sheep lost. 一天早晨,这个牧羊人去放羊,发现羊少了一只。</p><p>He then found that the sheepfold had been broken, and the wolf must had stolen the sheep through the hollow. 原来羊圈破了个窟窿。夜间有狼从窟窿里钻了进来,叼走了一只羊。</p><p>“You’d better repair the sheepfold and plug up the hollow as soon as possible.” The neighbors advised him.邻居劝他赶快把羊圈修一修。</p><p>“The sheep has been lost, what’s the point of repairing the sheepfold?”他却说:“羊都已经丢了,还修羊圈有什么意义。”</p><p>He didn’t take the neighbor’s kind suggestions.他没有接受邻居们的好心劝告。</p><p>The next morning, he went to herd and found another sheep lost. The wolf had done it again. 第二天早上,他去放羊,发现羊又少了一只。原来狼又从窟窿钻进去叼走了一只羊。</p><p>The shepherd now regretted for not taking his neighbor’s advice and not taking remediation in time. 这位牧羊人很后悔没有接受邻居们的劝告,去及时采取补救措施。</p><p>So he plugged up the hollow soon, and reinforced the whole sheepfold to make it more stable.于是,他赶紧堵上那个窟窿。又把整个羊圈都加固了一番,羊圈比以前更加牢固了。</p><p>From then on, his sheep didn’t get stolen any more.从此,牧羊人的羊再也没有丢过。</p><p>The story tells us that it is very common to make mistakes and encounter setbacks in our life. As long as you can draw the lesson and make up the mistake in time, you can avoid remaking mistakes and suffering more losses.这个故事告诉我们:在我们的一生中,犯错误,遭受挫折都是很正常的事情,只要能够及时吸取教训,弥补错误,就能避免再次犯错,从而遭受较少的损失。</p><p><br></p>