

<h3><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 18px; white-space: normal; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85);">首先呢就是要确定手抄报版面的划分,比如说你具体要把你的英语手抄报要划分为几个重点板块。然后再根据初步的板块划分继续进行板块的细化,注意板块的形状,注意个人特点。</span><br></h3> <h3>对于版块块面的调整,我们要根据适当的内容来进行板块间的调整划分。因为具体进行板块的划分时,很容易出现版块的内容不衔接的情况,所以说注意部分与板块间的协调平衡。</h3> <h3>对于整张手抄报,不管需要文字和板块设计,还需要花式的点缀,这个可以让你的手抄报锦上添花,让观赏者第一眼就看到你的手抄报甚至被你的别样装饰而吸引过来,可以有效装饰你的手抄报。</h3> <h3>手抄报上有很重要的标题部分,毕竟是手抄报的头面,相当重要,所以说字体的选择一定要醒目,可以吸引观赏者的目光。当然,如果有艺术功底的话,可以尝试一下艺术字类型</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>还需要注意手抄报的正文部分的书写,第一要务是正文的书写字体一定要清楚</h3> <h3>最后呢,就是讲一下手抄报的内容选择,毕竟这才是手抄报的主要意义</h3> <h3>特别是这个手抄报的具体的主题,一定要切合,这样才更有利于英语知识的巩固。</h3> <h3>However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names.It is not so bad as you are.It looks poorest when you are richest.The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.Love your life,poor as it is.You may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-house.The setting sun is reflected from the s of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a palace.The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any.May be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving.Most think that they are above being supported by the town;but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means.which should be more disreputable.Cultivate poverty like a garden herb,like sage.Do not trouble yourself much to get new things,whether clothes or friends,Turn the old,return to them.Things do not change;we change.Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.</h3>