<h3> 自我培养</h3><h3> 一个人的成才和成功关键的因素是要靠自我培养。所谓自我培养,就是自己要明确自己的奋斗目标,要对自己有责任感。这是一个人成才、成功最本质的因素。一个有明确的远大的理想又对自己有责任感的人,就能主动地去提高自己来实现他的目标。这种自觉的自我提高就是自我培养。只有在这种前提下,好的老师好的条件才能助他一臂之力。如果丧失了自我培养能力,外界条件再好也是一事无成的。</h3><h3>The key factor of making ourselves be successful is to learn by ourselves. Learning by ourselves means that we should have and fight for our target which is correct. It is the core factor of being successful. And also, we should be responsible. It is the most core and important thing that can lead us to succeed. A man who has both responsibility and far target is able to improve himself and make his dream come true. This kind of self-improvement is learning by ourselves. We can only get help by the teacher even though he is better than any other, we will be nothing unless we have the power of self-improvement.</h3>